Page 121 of Shattered Veil
I can’t see him being that big of a jerk. “Your brothers do crazy things like this?”
“In their own way. Given their own circumstances. Kieran tore up his entire front lawn to plant his wife’s favorite flowers. Riordan ran into a burning building to save Priscilla. Lachlan...” Balor stops and turns red. “I’ll spare you his crazy stunts. Darragh wanted nothing to do with us, but moved his whole life home so Ana could reconcile with her father. Eoghan threatened to leave us if we didn’t accept Jillian, who was a prosecutor and tried to throw Ana and Cormac in jail.”
“What? For what?” I shriek.
“That’sa long story.”
It’s making sense now why Balor had to buy a plane.
“All my brothers did crazy shit. I wanted to make a statement.”
I glance at the plane, and I should be insulted. But it’s not uncommon for men to buy huge rings to impress friends and family, as well as the bride.
“Where are we going?”
“That’s another surprise.” He winks and gets out of the car.
The back cargo door pops open and I see through the rearview mirror that he’s handing over his leather duffle and a white leather tote. Not the suitcase I’d packed to stay with him.
Balor opens my door, and I take in his charcoal wool car coat and dress slacks. “Ready?”
“That’s an understatement.” I let him take my hand and lead me up the airstairs.
The sharp smell of leather and thick carpet combined with some other airy scent my brain will categorize as new-plane smell hits me.
“Is this”
“Aye.” Balor smiles. “Not custom built. I picked it out from a few available.”
“The other night, when you were asleep.”
“You left me—”
He presses his lips to mine. “Of course not. I bought it online.”
“With what? PayPal?”
“I wired the money.”
“You bought this sight unseen?” I spin around.
“I have a pretty good eye.” He takes my hand and leads me toward the cockpit.
“Do you know how to fly the plane, too?”
“No. But...” He knocks on the door.
The cockpit comes into view and the number of gauges boggles the mind. “Wow.”
“This is Arden, the pilot,” Balor says, looking smug. “Your pilot.”
“Hello, ma’am.” He tips his cap.
“Wanna tell me where we’re going, Arden?” I ask him, since Balor doesn’t want to tell me.