Page 129 of Shattered Veil
This is what I’ll be doing all weekend. Fuck...
“And shields up, every one of them. I pissed off a madman.” Knocking up his daughter might have been the least of it.
Lachlan and Riordan stroll into my office.
“Who did you piss off?” Lachlan asks.
“Snow.” I look at Riordan. “Tell Kieran all our systems will be slow this weekend. I’m throwing up as many layers of protection as I can.”
“And when were you going to tell me Michael Brennan is Ella’s ex?” Riordan folds his arms.
My eyes slip closed. “I’m dealing with a lot here, Riordan. I’m dealing with a madman who can crash fucking planes, or land them on my townhouse, a man whose daughter I got pregnant, a woman I’m crazy about, who was beaten, burned, and stabbed by a manyoutrusted to be an informant.”
“Youvetted him,” Riordan bites out, then exhales. “And I’m sorry for all you’re going through. What can I do to help?”
I sit back down and shove my hands into my hair. “Nothing. Shane and I have the network protection covered. I have something resembling the ransomware code. It will take all weekend to break it down. You and Lachlan need a way to cut Brennan loose without him retaliating. I caught him watching Ella at her school. I charged at him like a damn bull, but he took off. He had to know who I was.”
“Then he knows how fucked he is?” Lachlan shakes his head. “The prick is dead. I’ll do it tonight. Do you want Snow iced, too?”
“We’re not killing Snow,” I mutter.
“Why? He can destroy everything we’ve worked for,” Lachlan argues.
“Riordan!” I snap. “Help me out. What the fuck do I do?”
I truly don’t know anymore. I only know that I love Ella. I want to marry her and raise our baby. But her father will be a dark shadow I have to keep looking for over my shoulder for the rest of my life.
Riordan glances at the large monitor Shane and I use to share screens. “We agreed, Snow doesn’t die. We send him to Dunbar to let the animals there teach him a lesson. Brennan doesn’t die either, not this weekend. Can you get another team to unmask allhisshit, and find out what secrets he has buried that can hurt us?”
“Aye,” I say.
“You two know how to kill a guy’s boner.” Lachlan stomps out the door.
Riordan shakes his head at our brother. “I’ll piss him off even more when we do execute Brennan.”
“I’ll have my wife do it. She’s been aching to kill a scumbag like Michael Wesley Brennan again.”
“You’re definitely pregnant,” the doctor at the walk-in woman’s clinic says, pressing a wand on my abdomen. “Based on your last recorded period, I put your conception window as mid-January, and your due date as October 5th.”
It’s one thing to find out I’m pregnant, but hearing a due date slams reality into me.
“Congratulations,” Hannah whispers to me.
I’m so glad she’s here, but miserable that Balor isn’t. That I deprived him of this happy moment.
“Thank you, Doctor.” I wipe away a few tears.
“I’ll have my RN call in prenatal vitamins and start you on your maternity plan.” The doctor shuts off the machine and gives me a towel to wipe up the gooey ultrasound gel.
I’d rather be wiping Balor’s cum off me.
He called me last night and we talked for a while. I told him how I felt. He did the same. But we’re both just spinning our wheels over the same argument.