Page 142 of Shattered Veil
How my wife knew that would spark my lust for revenge impressed the hell out of me. Ella is pregnant with my family’s bloodline. Balor hasn’t said that he loves her, but I know he does. That look in his eyes is the look I’ve seen on each of my brothers these past couple of years. Except Cormac. But his time will come, I suspect.
Right now, the man who hurt Balor’s woman has to die.
It’s her father, Corvin Snow, I’m silently struggling with. He betrayed us and thatshould bean automatic death sentence.
Movement next to me spins my thoughts in another direction. Darragh, who’s here as a medic, rubs his fingers, his face tense. He and I both know how Balor feels conflicted about Snow, especially since we have that murdering snake Alexei Koslov as a father-in-law.
Darragh is all-in now with our family after years of pretending we didn’t exist. Since coming home, he’s slowly turning into one of us. Each month he gets a new tattoo.
“I see Snow’s car,” Camryn, one of Balor’s hackers, reports from the cockpit with the pilot, igniting my fury fuse to get this party started.
I press on the headset we’re all wearing, and then speak into my microphone. “Pilot! Hover over that car. Get me within shooting distance.”
When I stand, Balor blocks me. “We’re not killing him. Not yet.”
“I’minterceptinghim,” I utter in a deep voice, the demon in me taking over.
“It’s a crowded highway, Lachlan,” Riordan says. “The plan was to intercept himat the house.”
“Not enough time. He’s got a lot to consider, and I won’t keep Ella in danger or pain one second longer. The conditions we’re going to put on him are not stipulations that selfish prick will agree to immediately.”
“We still haven’t figured out where we’re landing,” Riordan says, pushing a hand through his hair. “The airport is miles away and then we have to rent a car. But we’re all packing fucking Uzis.”
“We’re landing on the fucking front lawn,” I bark.
“Still subtle, aye, Lach?” Darragh pats me on the arm. “This is a medical emergency. Land as close to the house as you need. In the back preferably.” He points to the blueprint. “There’s a lot of land between the river and the house. I’ll deal with fallout from the authorities.”
“Get me on the ground,” I say.
“Lachlan, what are you doing?” Balor grabs my jacket.
“I’m going to carjack Snow and talk to him on the ride to Brennan’s house. Let him know hisoptions. Give him some time to think about it.”
“Carjack him?” Balor screeches. “He’s driving ninety miles an hour!”
“Then I suggest someone find strong enough rope to lower me onto the fucker’s hood!”
“You have to stay still and stop screaming,” the doctor says, leaning over me. “Please, hun. I’m sorry.”
“Give me something for the pain, please,” I whisper.
“He won’t let me.” The doctor’s jaw goes tight. “Do breathing exercises. Close your eyes and try to leave this room.”
“My babies,” I cry, shivering so hard, that my teeth rattle. “Don’t hurt my babies.”
He swallows, and I feel his hand on my thigh.
A gun cocks, the tinny clicking making me look up through warm, salty tears.
“What the fuck are you doing to my girlfriend?” Wes asks low and sinister.
“Checking to see if she’s bleeding,” the doctor barks.
“Are you a gynecologist?” Wes asks.