Page 149 of Shattered Veil
He puts the gun into his mouth.
And without any further words, my father pulls the trigger.
“No!”I dive for Snow.
Griffin and his brother Connor hold me back. Snow’s lifeless body crashes backward into the metal shelving units lining the walls.
A second later, his body collapses onto the floor next to Wes, who’s now balling.
Ella runs to her father, but I catch her. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking sorry,” I whimper into her bruised shoulder.
“You asshole!” She breaks from me and kicks her father’s lifeless body. “You selfish prick.”
I scoop her up and hold her, but she winces from the many open wounds.
Griffin dashes upstairs with Darragh at the sound of someone outside, who no doubt heard the gunfire. We landed the helicopter on the wide expanse of property behind Brennan’s house.
A helicopter, a car with a smashed hood, gunshots, and two dead bodies means a massive clean-up effort.
I have every confidence Lachlan’s team will fix this.
“Ella, look at me.”
She’s shaking and looks dizzy. “How could he?”
As someone who has a selfish-as-fuck father, I can use my healing journey to help her. She’ll always have me.
“Ella, I need to do one more thing, but I’m not sure how much more you can handle.”
“What? What else do you...” Her eyes drift to Brennan.
He’s still alive.
In the end, I’m glad it will be me. I glance at Eoghan who’s watching us. His gaze is a mixture of relief, sadness, and happiness that this shitshow is over.
His gaze turns to the gurgling mess on the floor. Straightening his back, like it’s his duty to once more killsomeone for me, he lifts his piece, but I stop him.
If I thought it would help her, I’d let Ella kill him. But that kind of revenge will only damage her further. My brothers have all killed someone, except me and Darragh.
He’s a doctor. It’s not the same thing.
It’s my turn.
“Eoghan, no.” I push the gun barrel toward the floor.
A look passes between us and for a second, we’re back in Boston the night I got pummeled and he killed my attackers. That was his first time. This is mine.
I’m the murderer now.
Nodding, Eoghan grabs my shoulder with a meaty hand. “It will be okay,” he whispers.
“Ella, you might want to turn away. I won’t fill your head with any more nightmares that I—”
“You? You’ve not given me nightmares at all. You’ve made everything better for me.”