Page 37 of Shattered Veil
“Standinghalflotus,” I answer.
“Well, you can’t do full lotus standing,” she laughs.
“True.” I soak in the glorious tension as my hips release and then change legs.
“Is all this how you get that body?” She waves a hand at me, pointing from my legs to my chest.
“And a strict diet. Which brings me to a conversation I want to have with you.”
Her jaw drops. “You think I need to go on a diet?”
My left leg snaps down. “What? No.”
Her face reddens as she hugs herself. “I know I’ve put on a few pounds.”
“A few pounds? Where?” I approach her despite being drenched in sweat and possibly smelling bad. “I think you’re goddamn perfect.”
“A woman.”
“But you only date—”
“I don’t date. I pay for sex,” I growl. “I pay professional women to suck my dick, spread their legs, and then leave.”
Her breath hitches. “I didn’t leave. You left.”
“I know.” I turn around and grab a towel. Changing the subject because we can go round and round on this one, I say, “Bear with me, butterfly. Your father told meyou needed a job. I never had an assistant.”
“You don’t have to keep me. I have another job offer. I’ll tell my father—”
“No.” I think about the ex who abused her, and I see red thinking of someone hurting her. “Your father was right. You’re just back in town. I don’t think it’s wise for you to work in a place where that animal can find you.”
“Ever?” She clutches her throat. “I worked on a Master’s thesis while I was in Sydney. I want to teach, Balor.”
The way she says my name almost brings me to my knees.
“Just until I know your ex has forgotten about you.”
Although, what I know about abusive types is they rarely give up and walk away. Too often, the woman ends up dead. A shiver runs through me. Fuck. No.
She blinks. “My father, I get. But why you? Why do you care?”
That’s what I’m figuring out.
Breathing heavily, I say, “I don’t know. I just do.”
“Is it wise that I work for you if you have these feelings?” She folds her arms, using my hesitation to get out of this job.
“They’re not feelings, they’re...” Fuck, I don’t know how I feel.
My heart’s been racing since she stepped into this gym. Her smile melts something inside me and awakens a part of me that wasn’t exactly dead. I’ve just never felt alive like this before.
Until now.
“I don’t know what I need as far as an assistant,” I say to get out of my head. “Why don’t we figure it out as we go?”
Shrugging, she says, “That works. What time do you want me?”