Page 69 of Shattered Veil
The hair on the back of my neck stands up immediately and my instinct is to push this woman down the eight concrete steps she and her high heels climbed to reach the front door.
What if she’s a sexy assassin?
For one, Balor doesn’t have an appointment right now. Not here. He never takes appointments at his house. And from what I gathered, not many people know he even lives here. We leave out of the back kitchen door, and the Rivian has tinted windows.
Taking matters into my own hands, I step outside, and close the door behind me. I immediately regret it because it’s chilly.
“What’s this about?” I ask with my arms folded.
Her perfect forehead wrinkles. “He’s expecting me.”
“Is he now?” I quake in her perfect appearance.
Long, ice-blonde hair, hazel eyes, strong cheekbones, and makeup so striking yet so subtle you’d think she wakes up with rose-glow cheeks and bronze shimmer swept across her almond eyelids.
She’s gorgeous and smells nice, and that’s when it hits me like a freight train. She’sgotto be an escort.
How could Balor do this to me? He hired someone to show up while I’m here working? And what am I supposed to do while he’s with her? Wait for him to...finish?
God, that visual makes me so dizzy that I grip the banister feeling sick.
“Are you all right?” she asks.
“Yes.”No, I’m not all right.
I’ve fallen for my boss. He’s mafia and doesn’tdorelationships. Only escorts. And I’m staring at a woman he’s paying to fuck. In his bed. Where I just woke him up. In sheets I roll around in when he’s in the shower.
Don’t get me started about how I secretly sniff his pillows.
“Sheesh you’re freezing, let’s get you inside.” She reaches for the doorknob. “Shoot, it’s locked.”
“What?” I spin around. “Oh shit.”
“Who are you?” the woman asks.
“I’m his assistant.” I ring the bell, cringing that Balor is going to find me with his date locked out of the house.
“Are you sure? And you don’t have a key?”
“I didn’t think I needed one,” I say tartly. “He’s not expecting guests.”
“I’m nota guest. I’m here to work. I’m Balor’s—”
The door swings open, and my heart sinks seeing Balor with wet hair. Water droplets dot every inch of his amazing naked body wrapped in a towel.
“What the hell is going on? Oh hey, Jillian.” Balor’stune changes seeingher. “I thought you were coming on Monday?”
He knows her. She’s got to be one of his usual sex workers.
All the tension from Wes dropping off my clothes, being in my building, and outside my door when I was showering catches up to me. Seeing Balor’s bare chest looking at this woman has everything spinning.
I don’t know what happens next because everything goes black.
I’m wearing nothing but a towel, still dripping wet from my shower when Ella collapses. I catch her, but I’m barely able to keep the towel from slipping off. If Eoghan drove by and saw me standing on my front steps like this in front of his wife, I’d have a lot of explaining to do.