Page 11 of King of Liars
I groaned, approaching the edge of the bed. Two pulled his legs apart.
“Hole, get over here,” Sy said.
I checked on One, noticing his wavering expression, as though he was disappointed not to be included. Even though One was maybe an inch or two taller than me, we were closer to Sy’s height—unlike his two giants. He also had a leaner physique. Fit, but not packing on muscles the same as his fellow knights. But still the sort of hot model-type that made me wonder how I could have possibly been in the same league as the rest of these guys.
Hole moved to the mattress, in front of Sy.
“Hole, you’re going to fuck me while Boss gets Two hard.”
Hole grabbed a condom and the bottle of lube from where Two had set them down on the bed beside him and readied himself.
“Unless Boss has changed his mind…?” Sy added.
I took a breath, swallowed my goddamn pride, and leaned down. It was a cock. I could suck it regardless of what kind of douchebag it was attached to, just like I could fuck a guy like Sy—a real prick, a hot prick. I took Two’s dick in my hand and raised it, then slid my lips around the girth, impressed with how quickly it filled my mouth.
“Good,” Sy said. “Show me the kind of blowjob you’d give me.”
I did just that.
“Oh fuck,” Two said, running his hands through my hair. He gripped the back of my head, encouraging my work.
I was slightly irritated. I wasn’t interested in being this guy’s bitch, but it didn’t change that the act was getting me hard.
As I found my rhythm with Two’s cock, I started to pick up the pace.
“Go ahead and fuck me, Hole,” Sy told him.
The thought of one of his knights fucking him first bothered me. It shouldn’t have. Fuck, I knew it was going to be something like this, but I had a primal desire to be the one inside Sy.
The only other time I’d shared a guy had been in high school, when a buddy of mine helped tag-team this prick on our track team, who’d begged us to fuck him after a house party. There was no jealousy back then, just good fun with Stevie and Brent.
But it wasn’t the same with Sy, perhaps because I felt he was setting me up to want something that he was only going to deprive me of, at least for a while.
I kept sucking Two off, and something about the way he moaned and called out, “Oh, fuck yeah, Boss,” was exhilarating. As much as he may not have liked me, I could show him a good fucking time.
“Just like that, Hole,” Sy said beside me, and I got a peek as Hole slid into him. “Go ahead and roll on a condom, Boss.”
I kept working Two’s cock with my mouth, starting to enjoy myself. I grabbed a condom from between them and prepared my dick while continuing to suck. The more I considered what I was doing, the more I thought showing this particular crew my multitasking skills might have been a mistake. Didn’t stop me, though.
As I rolled on the condom, Hole continued working his way inside Sy—increasing my jealousy, my own desire to be in there.
God, was that what Sy wanted? Was he getting off knowing how badly I wanted to be the cock inside him?
“Okay, you’ve more than proved your skills there, Boss. Get up and take a breath.”
I let Two’s cock fall from my mouth and pushed to my feet.
Hole kept busy, thrusting against Sy’s ass, shaking the whole goddamn bed as he rocked back and forth. Reminded me that his reason for being called Hole had nothing to do with what he did with his own ass.
“Nice work, Boss,” Sy said, scrunching his face up, clearly because of the way Hole was pushing into him. “Now show me what you can do with that dick.”
I started toward him, but he added, “No. With Two.”
“The hell?” Two said.
“Two!” Sy snapped, his eyes rolling back for a moment as it seemed Hole was stimulating him just right.
Two clenched his jaw, glaring at me like if I so much as tried to stick my cock in him, he’d fucking deck me. And hell, I’d be willing to stand up to him, but I imagined a freight train like him could easily knock me out if he wanted to.