Page 36 of The Guy Next Door
Stronger than the last time I saw him.
But he quickly turns away.
“This is my buddy Kyra,” I say, guiding him to her cage. She’s pecking at seeds in her feeder, but as I approach, she glances between us.
“I’ve seen her when you have her out.”
“Yeah. I don’t love keeping her cooped up in a cage, but I don’t want her to hurt herself. And once she’s better, I’m gonna let her go. Back to the wild, where she belongs.”
“How did you get her?”
“I was jogging and happened to be coming back when the neighbors’ cat had a go at her. Nipped her wing, but I managed to chase the cat off. Kyra was dinged up pretty bad. I’ve been nursing her back to health. But look how good she’s doing. Her wings still aren’t quite there, but I’m hoping in the next few weeks.”
Zane is eyeing me strangely.
“What?” I ask.
“That was very kind of you. I doubt I would have interfered with a cat. Let alone taken her in.”
“I figure you don’t really know until you’re in that situation. It’s not like I had plans to do that.”
“Did you buy the cage?”
“There’s a thrift store over in the outlet with the grocery store. They had one for fifteen bucks, so I snatched it up. But she eats a lot, so I’m almost out of the bag of food I got her.”
“You do like feeding things, don’t you?”
I grin. “I guess so.”
Our gazes meet again, and we stare at each other for a moment. Again, I’m having some very anal-centric thoughts I can’t explain. It’s clearly tied to him, though. He finally breaks our stare-down, saying, “You wanted to show me this?”
“Yeah. I don’t know why. I don’t get to show her to many people. And I think she could use some fresh company. I’m sure she’s tired of seeing my face all day long.”
“I sincerely doubt that,” he says, not a trace of humor in his voice as he studies my expression.
The thrill of hearing him say that, and the way he’s looking at me, makes my dick twitch.
Jesus, when did I become such a horny fuck?
“My parents haven’t met her yet, but they’re used to this. I used to do this as a kid. Take in an injured turtle or lizard or mouse.”
He raises his finger to the cage and strokes between two of the bars. “Hey, Kyra. It’s nice meeting you. I think you’re in good hands.”
I’m pleased he likes my little surprise, even if I don’t entirely understand why I wanted to share that with him. Maybe because I enjoyed the chat we had, sharing those other parts of myself I wouldn’t want to share with someone else. Someone who wouldn’t understand.
“Anyway, I’m sure you’re hungry. Let’s get you fed.”
“That works for me,” he says, starting for the door, and I follow. But he stops abruptly and I knock into him, would have probably knocked him down if I hadn’t caught myself.
What the hell…?
I follow his gaze to the trash bin by my desk. Now I see what he sees.
Fuck, it’s that postcard for that fucking anal stimulator. I didn’t think I needed to shove it to the bottom of the trash.
“What isthat?”
“Nothing,” I lie, which is senseless since he approaches the trash and snatches the postcard, assessing it before turning to me. “Is this a sex toy?”