Page 11 of The Sheik's Vow
“What is this place?” Kaia asked, stepping into the room that reminded her of the inside of a space ship. Five hours ago, she’d agreed to accept Riaz’s help. They’d immediately boarded his private plane and flown back to Bidar. No need to even wait for a turn for takeoff. Riaz’s plane was moved to the front of the line.
His palace had been magnificent! The ornate architecture took in the lines of the distant mountains, giving the impression of strength and power. Just like their ruler.
However, Riaz didn’t give her time to absorb all of the interior beauty of his palace. Instead, he led her through the back hallways to a place that not many people were allowed to see. Now, she was standing in a room that literally hummed with what she could only assume were secret activities.
There were about twenty screens on the back wall, all filled with different images. The pictures appeared to be street corners, but Kaia guessed that the scenes were more than just live streams of random intersections.
There were also about thirty work stations with men and women dressed in black tee-shirts and matching pants, most of whom wore headphones with a microphone over their mouth. They were all working intently on various…projects, for lack of a better word. There were other people walking about with papers or files, andeveryone looked intensely serious.
“This is the security hub.” Riaz explained, putting a hand to the small of her back as he led her through to the center of the area. “We’ll talk in the–”
Before he could finish his statement, there was an unexpected disruption. It sounded like…wolf howls? That seemed impossible since they were in the palace of Bidar. It was just as secure as Tara’s new home. After flying into the capital city’s airport, forcing the other flights to pause while the Sheik of Bidar’s plane landed, she and Riaz, along with his team of bodyguards, aids, and assistants, piled into the waiting black SUV. The moment Riaz was safely inside the vehicle, it sped off towards the palace. Even at the entrance, Kaia had noticed numerous levels of security.
In other words, it seemed impossible that wild animals could slip into the palace, much less that wolves could now be racing through the security offices.
And yet, one of the armed guards heard the sound and rushed to open a set of double doors. She felt Riaz step away from her. Instantly, a coldness washed over her. But that sensation was overwhelmed by the sight of two enormous wolves…that was the only word for the canines that bolted through the door…that headed straight for Riaz.
Immediately, Kaia went into action, not bothering to think about her actions. Riaz was in danger from these humongous beasts and she couldn’t let them hurt him. So, she stepped in front of Riaz, holding her arms out to stop the beasts from attacking.
“No!” she yelled.
The wolves stopped, their paws sliding a little on the tile floor. Their huge heads tilted, mouths still open, as they stared with confusion at Kaia.
“No!” she replied again, this time in a softer voice. Her heart pounded in her chest and she was still terrified of the animals, but they’d stopped. They’d listened to her. That was good, right? Of course, their mouths were still open, still ready to attack, so thedanger wasn’t over.
“Sit,” the stern voice of Riaz came from over her shoulder.
Kaia looked back at him, realized that he was holding up his hand, thumb tucked under his fingers. Was that some sort of signal? Were these animals trained?
Oh dear heaven, these animals were another level of security! She’d just stepped in front of attack dogs!
The wolves settled down on their haunches, still tilting their heads curiously.
“They’re tame?” she whispered to Riaz.
He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I wouldn’t call them tame,” he replied, kissing the top of her head. The wolves watched in silence. Suddenly, their sharp eyes lowered to Riaz’s arm around her waist. The pair noticeably relaxed, their tongues hanging out to the side. Panting. They were panting?
“Thank you for saving me from my dogs,” Riaz whispered into her ear.
“Heel,” Riaz commanded.
Immediately, the dogs jumped up and spun around, one on Kaia’s side and the other flanking Riaz, staring forward at the other bodyguards.
Kaia pulled her arms in, terrified of the animals. She realized that they weren’t actually wolves, but some mix of German Shepherd and…maybe Doberman? She wasn’t sure. Both breeds were known to be guard dogs and fiercely loyal to their owners.
The dogs glanced up at her and she leaned away, against Riaz.
“They won’t hurt you, Kaia,” he assured her. “Why don’t you pet them? They love scratches behind their ears.”
She looked at each of them in turn. Neither moved, but she heard something behind her. When she glanced back, she realized the dogs were wagging their tails.
Slowly, trying to not reveal how scared she was, she touched one furry head, then the other. The dogs stayed still, then nudged her thigh with big, black noses. Did they want more?
“Kilab jayida,” Riaz soothed, then bent, his arm still around her waist, as he scratched each canine, then patted one, then the other.
Kaia hadn’t spent much time around dogs until now, and these two looked ferocious. She was absolutely positive that she couldn’t become friends with them. Especially since both were presumably trained to take down any threat to Riaz.
“Relax, Kaia,” Riaz told her. “They are very gentle with the people that they protect. And now that they’ve seen the way I treat you, they will protect you as well.”