Page 16 of The Sheik's Vow
Kaia walked beside Riaz, still reeling from everything she’d told him. After being rejected by the police, Kaia had never spoken to anyone else about Ethan’s cruelty or the life she and Tara had endured. She’d learned the hard way that people didn’t really care when someone was in trouble, unless it affected them as well. But she’d continued collecting information.
And she still had cameras in place. It was astonishing to her that Ethan hadn’t ever found her cameras. It wasn’t as if she were somesort of master spy. She’d hidden the cameras as well as she could, but a less arrogant person would have found them by now. It was a testament to how confident Ethan was in his position and how comfortable he was with the people he’d bribed over the years, that he’d never bothered to look for cameras. Of course, Kaia moved them around whenever Ethan had gone on his day trips. It was easy enough to get into his house since he didn’t bother to lock his doors.
And that was yet another reason why the police hadn’t bothered with anyone in the community. No one locked their doors. The police were stunned initially, but Ethan explained that, if anyone needed to steal something from one of his congregants, they could have it.
Sighing, Kaia closed her eyes, trying to stop the flow of memories from the past. She was here in a beautiful country with the warm sunshine streaming down on her. No one knew where she was and she had at least one, maybe two days, to revel in the freedom of not having to look over her shoulder.
The dogs kept pace beside her and Riaz, and now Kaia was able to see their guard dog personas. They never moved ahead of her or Riaz, and they were very careful to stay out of the path of the bodyguards, who also surrounded Riaz. The dogs constantly swiveled their heads, scanning for threats. They were obvious in their efforts while the bodyguards seemed oblivious to potential threats. However, Kaia knew from talking with Tara over the previous few days that the guards were always looking, whispering into their hidden microphones, and surveying whatever area she or Zayed were in.
“You are a natural leader, Kaia,” he observed, interrupting the silence between them.
Kaia glanced at him in surprise, not sure where he’d gotten that impression. “I’m not!” she replied vehemently. “I ran when I should have stayed to protect my sister. I was a coward when I should have remained and fought for the rights of everyone in that town. All the women are repeatedly abused and the men…!”She shook her head and shuddered. “I think some of the men are being abused as well, but they won’t stand up for themselves either.” She reached down to pat Dibi, who snuffled her hand while accepting her affection. “They are all brainwashed. So, even if I were to somehow get rid of Ethan, he has everyone in that town so completely awed and controlled by his power, I suspect that they would simply find a new person to follow.”
“You might be right. Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome?”
She glanced at him again, then stared straight ahead, keeping her hand on Dibi’s shoulder. “The idea that victims fall in love with their kidnappers?”
“Yes, but it’s more complicated and can be broader than just kidnap victims.” He looked down and smiled at the way Dibi walked close to Kaia, sensing that she needed him within touching distance. “It isn’t love. Stockholm Syndrome is the brain’s coping mechanism during abuse. The victims have to believe, and maybe even fool themselves into thinking, that they are in love with their abuser.”
“That’s very sad,” she whispered, then nodded slowly. “But you’re right – and I can see that in the women I left behind.”
A dark eyebrow lifted at her words. “You’ve kept in contact with them?”
Kaia realized what she’d just revealed and suddenly shut down. “I thought you were going to show me the kittens,” she prompted.
At the last word, Dibi and Marta again became excited, dancing around, eager to see the kittens.
Riaz lifted a finger and the dogs settled, although Dibi whimpered for a moment before Riaz gave him “the look”.
Riaz looked at her, ignoring the animals for a long moment. “You don’t yet trust me,” he stated, nodding slightly. “That’s fine. I willearnyour trust.” He gestured towards the end of the hallway. “The…” he glanced down at the dogs, both of whom waited eagerly, nearly drooling at the anticipated command, “stables await.”
Kaia couldn’t stop herself from laughing at the dogs’ eagerness. They raced down the hallway, obviously eager to get to their feline friends.
When they reached the main path to the stables, the dogs halted, waiting for permission. Riaz reached into his pocket and pulled out two treats. “Mumtaz,” he soothed, giving each of them a treat at the same time. The dogs carefully accepted the treat, then stood up, ready for battle.
Riaz opened the door, lifted a finger, and froze. Dibi and Marta waited, watching his finger for the sign. “Yadhhab!” he called out, telling them to go.
The dogs didn’t hesitate. They sprinted off, tails wagging as they headed for the stables, which were situated down a long, shaded pathway.
“They are beautiful animals,” she said, trailing behind the dogs beside Riaz. They weren’t classically pretty animals, like cocker spaniels or golden retrievers. Dibi and Marta were similar to their owner. Riaz wasn’t a classically handsome man. But there was something about him, something in his personality or in the confident way he moved and spoke, that was incredibly appealing.
“I agree.” He glanced playfully her. “I thought you were afraid of animals.”
Kaia shrugged, walking beside him as she lifted her face to the warmth of the sunshine. The sun was setting and the heat slowly dissipating. It would be chilly by the time the sun set for the night.
“I’m just not used to being around animals, that’s all. Once I knew that they were safe, then I…enjoyed them!” She said that last with surprise.
Chapter 9
Riaz thought about her words and a strategy began to develop. Kaia just needed to be around him enough to understand that he was safe. Despite the fact that he couldn’t wait to pull her into his arms and make love to her, to show her all the ways that he could give her pleasure, he would pull back and allow her time to learn that he wasn’t a threat first.
He glanced down the path at Dibi and Marta, both of whom disappeared in a flash through the doors of the stables. The dogs loved the other animals. The dogs would stop by and greet each of the horses along the way, but Riaz knew that the two dogs were most eager to visit the kittens that the barn cat had given birth to about eight weeks ago. The tiny fluff balls fascinated the big canines.
Looking at Kaia, he made another mental note. He was about twice as big as she was. He’d take another lesson from his dogs and treat Kaia in the same way that Dibi and Marta treated the kittens. They’d won over the tiny things by being extra gentle, allowing the kittens to get used to their scent, and encouraging the kittens to come to them instead of invading their space.
Mental note made, he led the way through the stables, introducing Kaia to each of the horses. They were curious about Kaia, but since she stayed in the center of the aisle, well out of reach, he didn’t pressure her to come closer. One day, hopefully soon, he would teach her to ride. Another way that he could encourageher to trust him. Riding horses was all about understanding that, despite the horse’s size, they still obeyed his command. She could do that to him, if she wanted to.
Okay, perhaps he wouldn’t allow her to command him. He preferred being in charge when they were in the bedroom.