Page 22 of The Sheik's Vow
Kaia tried to figure out the best way to ask politely. Nervously, she stood in front of him, unconsciously twisting her fingers together. In her mind, she came up with what might be the perfect way to ease into what she needed to ask him. But in the end, she just blurted out her request. “I think I need sex.”
There! She’d said it! She’d actually spoken the words out loud.
That’s when Kaia realized her eyes were squeezed shut! With a huff of impatience, she opened her eyes and looked at Riaz. He hadn’t moved. In fact, he was staring at her, although the impatient, angry expression had been replaced by a stunned gaze.
“I know that sounds horrible,” she continued, reaching her hands out in a pleading gesture. “I know that men become grumpy when sexually frustrated and they force their partners to help them ease their stress through sex.” She turned and paced two steps to the right. “And perhaps that’s what I’m doing.” She turned and paced the two steps back to her original position. “I don’t mean to use sex to manage my emotions.” She moved another two steps to the left. “I don’t think that’s what this is.” And again, she moved back to her original point. “In the past, I’ve been stressed about Ethan or finances or trying to figure out which city to hide in next, but I’ve never felt this overwhelming need to have sex before.” She sighed, her head bowing slightly as her shoulders drooped. “I don’t really understand why you make me so jittery. But I’ve read about sexual frustration and,” she exhaled and lifted her head to look into his dark eyes. “And I think that’s what I’m experiencing.”
Before she could say another word, Riaz jumped up and pulled her into his arms. She was just about to speak, but his mouthcovered hers in a kiss that stole her breath away. He held her with one arm wrapped around her waist while his other hand cupped her cheek, his fingers diving into her hair as he held her head so that he could deepen the kiss.
And his lips! Dear heaven, she’d thought that his shoulders were her favorite part of his body. But his lips, the way he nibbled and teased, caressed her with his lips made her want to giggle! No, his drugging kisses made her want to explode! Could a woman climax from just a kiss? Kaia was starting to think it was possible!
Before she’d had enough of his kisses, Riaz pulled back. Kaia was too stunned to speak, to protest, to do anything. She wanted to argue with him, to beg him to kiss her again and again.
Instead, Riaz took her hand and said, “Come with me.”
They were out in the hallway before she realized what was happening. “Where are we going?” she hissed, almost running to try to keep up with his long legged stride.
“You asked me for a favor,” he told her, slowing down. “I’m granting you that favor.”
He didn’t slow down as Kaia’s heart soared with excitement and relief. The ornate mosaics that decorated the palace hallways flew by in her peripheral vision. In the back of her mind, she recognized the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Her sneakers squeaked as her feet hit the marble floors. But none of those sensations were important enough. The only feeling that mattered was the heat coming from the connection of her hand with his. That, and her racing heart. She was going to do this! She was finally going to have sex!
All her life, she’d worried about this moment, wondering if her first sexual encounter was going to be painful. She’d worried that sex would be brutal and the man would be a selfish ass. She’d read about other women’s experiences, how they’d found the act painful and…unfulfilling.
But her first sexual experience was going to be with Riaz. Looking at the grimly determined expression on his face, Kaia knewwithout a doubt that the next twenty minutes was going to be thrilling. She knew that sex with Riaz was going to be…not fun and light-hearted, but fulfilling.
The door to his suite opened and he pulled her through. Dibi and Marta had been following them and they quickly slipped through the door before Riaz could close them out. Dibi huffed a bit, indignant that Riaz had tried to close the door without him inside, but the two dogs wandered around a bit, more relaxed in this space.
Kaia was trying to take everything in, not wanting to miss anything during this first time with a man. No, not just with a man. Her first time was going to be with Riaz. Sex with him was going to be nice.
He led her into the bedroom and over to the bed. Only then did he finally stop and look at her, pulling her closer. “Now, say all of that again,” he ordered, his voice rough.
Kaia felt breathless, but doubted that her racing heart and pounding lungs was from the race down the hallway. She stood in front of Riaz, trembling but eager.
She wanted to tell him that she trusted him, that she was eagerly looking forward to sharing this experience with him. But all she could manage was, “I want you.”
He didn’t hesitate. His arm pulled her closer and she let out a startled squeak, her hands sliding over his chest and she rose up onto her tiptoes, tilting her head back. “Will you kiss me the way you just did in your office?” she whispered.
Riaz slowly leaned in and those lips didn’t brush against her this time. His lips touched hers in a heavy, intoxicating kiss that left her even more breathless. But Kaia wasn’t going to be a passive partner in this experience. She’d always been aware that life could change in a split second. She never knew if she would be in the same place from one moment to the next. So, Kaia wanted to truly enjoy this first time with Riaz.
Her hands slid from his chest to his shoulders, her fingers seeking out the heat from his skin. The shirt buttons were annoying,but somehow, she managed to release some of the buttons while kissing him back. His tongue invaded her mouth and she gasped, then mimicked his actions. Her tongue explored his mouth, her lips teased and nipped and she felt the excitement soar as his arms pulled her higher. Suddenly, Kaia realized that she was literally in his arms. His hands cupped her bottom, holding her firmly against his body.
“Yes!” she hissed, pulling back to try and focus on the damn buttons. Riaz’s mouth moved to her neck and her fingers stilled, her attention completely focused on the way his teeth scraped against her skin, sending shivers of need down her spine.
It was too much, and yet, Kaia couldn’t pull away. She needed more. She needed his shirt gone! But the buttons were too complicated for her fumbling fingers now.
With a growl, Riaz lowered her onto the bed. He gave her one more kiss, then he stood up and tore off his clothes. Kaia stared at him, stunned by the glory being revealed to her. She’d known that he was strong and powerfully built, but the lithe muscles revealed when his shirt was discarded were like something out of a fantasy! His shoulders and arms were packed with muscles. He had a light dusting of hair over his chest that tapered to a darker line down his belly. That fascinating line disappeared behind his belt buckle and…!
Kaia lost track of that line when Riaz lowered himself over her, his big body covering hers and Kaia’s hands explored the newly revealed muscles. She loved touching him! Loved feeling all of that barely controlled power under her fingertips!
“You’re beautiful, Riaz,” she whispered to him, then looked into his eyes. They were on fire for her!
“As much as I love this tee-shirt, would you mind if I took it off?” he asked, his hand sliding underneath to glide over her bare stomach.
She tensed at the intimate touch, but nodded. Kaia had always thought that she’d be nervous at this point. And yes, there was atouch of nervousness. But the more overwhelming emotion was excitement. And eagerness. Interest!
Oh, and there was definitely need. Her body trembled, needing to be touched, to make this urgent sensation stop.
“Yes,” she whispered.