Page 24 of The Sheik's Vow
“It does right now because I want to be inside you,” he replied, then returned between her legs, her hips cradling him closely. He kissed her until she moaned, her delicate fingers tangling in his hair. Then he moved down to her breasts again, teasing them until she hissed and tried to push his head away. Only then did he move lower. And lower still! Damn, she smelled delicious!
When he found his way to his favorite spot, he blew lightly on her pink folds before he licked her, eliciting a gasp. She lifted her head, glaring at him.
Riaz laughed, delighted with her impatience. When he came back this time, his thumb traced the delicate folds, finding the spots that caused her to move. Only when she was writhing against his fingers, did he slide one into her heat. She gasped, arching her back, and he felt her muscles taking his finger deeper. Twisting his finger around, he stroked the inside of her, while, at the same time, his mouth latched onto that delicious nub. With his tongue flicking against that bundle of nerves and his finger teasing the inside of the same bundle, Kaia was screaming his name, her hips shifting against his mouth and her fingers…he wasn’t sure if they were trying to pull his mouth away, or keep his mouth exactly where it was.
He didn’t relent. Without mercy, Riaz took her higher and higher,using her cries as guidance. When she cried out, he felt the tremors of her first release and sucked harder, giving her as much pleasure as possible.
She shrieked as her body trembled and shook, then, she collapsed against the bed.
Riaz pulled himself higher, kissing her stomach and her breasts lightly before reaching into the bedside table to grab protection. As he rolled the condom down over his shaft, he watched her, nearly groaning with the pain of need when she rolled her head over and he saw her dreamy smile of delight.
When he came back to her this time, her eyes took on a worried glint.
“Tell me if you want to stop, love,” he said, holding himself away from her.
Quickly, Kaia shook her head. “No. I don’t want you to stop.”
He chuckled when her features took on a grim expression. “It’s not horrible, Kaia,” he told her, kissing the side of her mouth before moving to her neck. “I guarantee that you’ll enjoy this part as much as the last few moments.”
She didn’t say anything. Instead, she lifted her hands, gripping his shoulders as if she were bracing for pain.
Instead of shifting so that he could press into her heat, he kissed and nipped at her neck, soothing her with his kisses.
“Just…get it over with, Riaz,” she whispered.
He lifted his head. That’s when he noticed the tear slip down her cheek.
Riaz sighed and rolled over, taking her with him so that she was draped over his body. “You’re in charge, Kaia,” he told her. “I’ll help you, but the only way that you’re going to enjoy this is if you are fully in control.” He gripped her hips and started shifting them back and forth over his abdomen. “You’re going to move your hips like this,” as he demonstrated the motion. “That’s the only waythat you’re going to climax again.”
“I don’t understand.” She pressed her hands down on his chest, blinking rapidly to stop the tears from falling.
Riaz sat up, still cradling her on his lap. Kissing her gently, he soothed her fears. “I’ll help you. Just lift your hips and guide my erection into your body. Take it as slowly as you need to. If you feel pain, stop. If you enjoy something, do it again.” He kissed her one more time. “If you want to stop, you stop.”
“No buts, Kaia. Forget all the horror stories you heard as a child. Sex is not supposed to hurt. Women are not supposed to just endure a man’s lust. Women are designed to have more pleasure than a man. So, be the lioness that I know is inside of you, love.”
He lay back down, gripping her hips as he continued stroking her with his hands against her thighs. Slowly, he felt her relax, and even become excited all over again.
When she pulled away from his kiss, Riaz couldn’t stop himself from watching her as she lifted her hips. He was able to restrain himself from laughing at her expression of grim determination. But when she positioned herself right over his shaft, he could barely hold himself back from surging into her. It was only through extreme self-control that he stopped, allowing her to go at her own pace.
This is what she needed, he told himself. She needed to be in control. She needed to think of this moment as something other than an invasion of his body into hers.
So, instead of gripping her hips and thrusting upwards, he released his hold on her hips and let his hands fall onto the bed. Then gritted his teeth as she slowly, inch by inch, took him into her body.
He heard her gasping and opened his eyes, prepared to find her crying. Instead, the look in her eyes was filled with awe and…delight? Was he missing something?
Riaz looked down to where their bodies were connected. It washot! Then she started shifting against him. It was slow at first, but after several moments, Kaia found her rhythm. For a brief moment, he cursed himself for showing her how to move so she was literally pleasuring herself. He’d thought that seeing her naked was the best thing in the world. Nope. Feeling her shifting against him, rubbing that bundle of nerves against his groin and feeling her slickness sliding back and forth over his shaft was hotter than Hades!
It took monumental control to keep his hands by his sides. Groaning, he felt the small shifts of his shaft back and forth against her inner muscles. But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. She was just teasing him while her body tightened. She was nearly there, nearly ready to climax, and Riaz couldn’t hold back any longer. The small shifts were taunting him. So, when he felt her muscles start to tighten, he rolled her over so that he was once again on top, and then he started thrusting. Over and over again, he filled her completely. He wanted to absorb her cries of release into his mouth, but there was no room for gentleness. And the way she wrapped her legs tightly around his waist, he didn’t think that she wanted his gentleness either.
When his orgasm finally hit, he guessed that Kaia was on her third climax and was most likely close to pain.
Collapsing down against her, he shifted, pulling away but keeping her close. He felt her breath on his chest, felt her soft shudders as her body slowly came back to the present. Riaz stared up at the ceiling and smiled. The way she snuggled up to him, every cell in his body still throbbing with the aftermath of such a soul-shattering release, he was certain this was heaven.
Chapter 15
Kaia couldn’t move. She didn’t want to move, but even if she needed to, if someone burst into the bedroom with guns blazing, she’d probably wouldn’t be able to do anything other than just…remain in puddle form. With her head resting on his shoulder and one leg draped over his hard thigh, Kaia felt as if there were no concerns in the word. Ethan was a vague and distant memory. Tara was perfectly safe. She didn’t care how much money she had in her bank account and…and she didn’t want to think about where she would live after leaving Bidar.