Page 40 of The Last Shadow
“No weirdos here, Ames. Well, except me. But if you could look into that, it’d be super helpful.”
“Anytime, girl. You know I’m always here for you,” she says, her voice brightening up. “But seriously, Frankie, are you okay? Your voice sounds off.”
Taking a deep breath, I say, “Yeah, I’m fine, just feeling a bit out of it, being away from work with The Butcher still on the loose.” It’s mostly true, but not the whole truth. I can’t share everything with her. She jumped on Nick the second I left. Can I even trust her anymore?
“Totally get that. But for your sake, the case and your marriage, just…try, okay?” Her sincerity is a relief, and I nod, silently promising I’ll work on it, even if I keep my real struggles to myself.
“I promise I’ll try,” I reply, though my mind is already spiraling again. “Thanks, Ames. I really appreciate your help. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“Of course! Be safe, Frankie,” she says.
I silence my phone, tuck it into my pocket, and step out of the cabin for the first time in days, ready to clear my head.
As I walk onto the narrow trail behind the cabin, the crunch of dirt and pine needles under my boots is the only sound that breaks the stillness. The air is a little crisp, carrying the faint scent of pine and dirt. It’s peaceful, almost too peaceful, like the trees are holding their breath.
As I walk, the trees begin to thin out a little, giving way to glimpses of the lake between the trunks. It’s surprisingly still, almost like glass, reflecting the sky and trees perfectly. Not a ripple in sight. The colors out here are sharper, deeper—the blues of the lake, the greens of the towering pines. It’s beautiful. God’s country.
Standing here alone, it feels like I’m the only person in the world right now. There’s something about this view, about being here, that makes everything else feel far away. Almost like I could just disappear into it and leave everything behind.
Without the distraction of city life, I’m able to think clearly about, well, everything. Being here at the cabin has been great because I’ve put a lot of pieces of the puzzle together both in terms of The Butcher and in my own life.
The first few days with Damien were amazing and so incredibly romantic, full of delicious meals and lots of laughter as we settled into married life. The sex, of course, is off the charts and only seems to have gotten more intense since we got here.
But there’s a downside. Damien’s been leaving for the past few days for hours at a time, leaving me alone. I feel trapped, whichI hate because it sounds dramatic and as if I don’t trust Damien. I do, of course, but something has to change.
Everything has changed. Before the wedding, when Damien and I were getting to know each other, life was different. It was full of fun and unexpected adventures. But now things feel strange and strained. And seriously, where the fuck is he going for hours when he’s supposed to be here with me?
I stop and look around, finding that I’ve wandered so far from the cabin that I can only see the top floor. It takes me close to an hour to make my way back, but I use the time to sort out my thoughts and feelings. It’s also enough time to get a good head of steam going and when I step inside to find my handsome husband smiling at me, I snap.
“Francesca! Did you have a pleasant walk?” His smile is irresistible, but right now it’s easy to resist, at least as long as I suppress my body’s reaction to him.
“Where have you been?” My tone is sharper than I mean it to be, and Damien notices immediately.
“What do you mean? I told you I had some business to take care of. Don’t you remember?” His brows dip, and he takes a few steps forward to comfort me.
I step back and shake my head. “I know what youtoldme, Damien, but you know what? I have work to do as well, yet you get up and leave without asking about my career!” My heart pounds and I lick my lips. “Why are you holding me captive here?”
“Captive?” He laughs, shaking his head. “You’re not captive. We can leave anytime. I thought you liked it here.”
The condescending tone makes my anger rise. “Only because I stupidly assumed we would be here together, Damien. Your job isn’t more important than mine.”
“Who said it was?” He comes closer until he’s close enough to touch me, and damn he smells good. “I love that you’re passionate about your career, that you chase bad guys and put them behind bars. I love it and admire it.”
“Then why am I still here?”
“I’m just looking out for you, kitten. If it’s too much for you, too mentally taxing, maybe you should take a leave of absence?”
I was just starting to relax in his arms, to let go of the tension, but my whole body goes taut, and I slowly pull back until our gazes lock. “What did you say?”
He holds up his hands, a look of genuine hurt on his face. “I’m not saying you have to or that you should, just that it’s an option. This case seems to take a toll on you, more than your usual cases. Am I right?”
I nod because he’s right, The Butcher case has been more difficult than my others, but it’s also my first serial killer. “Maybe all of this is too much, Damien.”
“That’s all I’m saying,” he agrees.
“I wasn’t finished,” I snap. “Maybe you’re right and the case is a lot, but that’s my job. Maybe the problem is getting into a relationship and getting married in the middle of such an important case.” I take a few more steps back and suddenly things are clearing up. “Maybe what we need is a break, at least until the case is over. Solved.”
“Is that really want you want?”