Page 14 of Ruined in Vows
Shoving aside my annoyance, I pass the tables, slot machines and entertainment area, as I make my way through the throngs of people, toward the private elevator that will take me to the top of the building and to my office.
Only, I don't make it to the elevator. I'm stopped near one of the private lounges used by our very important patrons by my brother-in-law. Fucking Benito.
“Luc,” Vincenzo greets.
“I'm just heading up to my office. But I'm sure you already know that,” I laugh sardonically.
He sighs in exasperation, and it only ramps up my irritation. “Go ahead. Cat’s waiting up there for you.”
Now it's my turn to be exasperated. My wife, despite telling me that she was happy with going at my pace in our relationship, just won't stop pushing me. The other morning, I woke up with her lips wrapped around my cock. Fucking morning wood. Despite being annoying that my wife took it to mean something else, it reassured me, that my dick still works.
Disorientated, and not knowing what was happening, for a moment I embraced the warm mouth. But then it hit me. Literally. Before I could blow my load down her throat, I pushed her off me. The hurt and anger in her brown eyes almost made me feel guilty, before I reminded myself that she was touching me without my permission. I may sound like I am overreacting considering I’m married to the woman, but I felt violated and told her as much.
“Wonderful,” I grimace, unable to hide the sarcasm in my tone. By the look on Vincenzo’s face, he hears it too.
His eyes narrow and he takes a step toward me. “I get things haven't been easy for you, Luc, and we have all been very patientwith you. But I'm going to be honest. I'm quickly running out of tolerance. You need to get your shit together, before I do something none of us can come back from.” The warning is clear but I'm over his bullshit.
I step into him, chest to chest, nose to nose. His nostrils flare, anger radiating from every inch of his body. “You all need to back the fuck off. I'm getting real fucking tired of you and your sister, telling me what I should and shouldn't be doing and how I should be acting. So I’m only going to say this once, and I hope for all our sakes you listen, Vincenzo. Back. Off. You are all strangers to me and if I need time to work shit out in my own head, then you and Cat will give me the grace to do just that. I am an adult for Christ's sake. You all need to leave me the hell alone.” My chest heaves with every word out of my mouth, but he needed to hear it. It's all too much, the micromanaging, the pushing.
Instead of doing what they thought it would, it has had the opposite effect. I'm revolting against everything. And by the fury rippling from Vincenzo, he hates my disobedience. I know I don't remember much about who I was before, but I can't see me being the kind of man that would ever take orders from anyone let alone someone like Vincenzo. He may be my best friend and run a tight ship in our casino, but that's as far as his control goes. It does not extend to me or my marriage. No way. No how. I don't give a single fuck what he tells me otherwise, or how many times he tells me this is how it used to be.
I refuse to believe it.
I wasn't put on this damn earth to be controlled or be his little errand boy. And I’m certainly not going to be threatened by him or forced into a fucking sexual relationship with my wife. No matter what our history.
He smiles, but it’s not a nice look, then leans into me. His hot breath hits my ear, his words cold. “I would be very careful, Luc.It would be easy for me to make the likes of you disappear,” he threatens.
Pushing him away from me, I glower at him. “Do your worst, asshole.”
He nods, turning around and making his way back to the elevator, but not before throwing over his shoulder. “Go take care of your wife.”
I watch as he steps into the elevator. He looks at me expectantly, his silent way of telling me to join him. Suddenly, I don't feel like going to my office, despite the pain pulsing in my head. The doors close, and I release a heavy breath, my body feeling heavy, weary.
I need to get out of here. Get away from Vincenzo and Caterina but I can't even go home as my keys are upstairs in my office. Without thinking about what I'm doing, I stride out of the casino, into the lobby and out onto the strip.
Standing against the impressive building, I bend, my hands landing on my thighs as I suck in much needed air. My mind is a mess, and I can't shake the feeling that everything is not as it should be.
Straightening, my head throbs harder, the pain almost blinding and I’m lightheaded.
But for the first time in a long time, I feel like I can finally breathe.
Chapter 11
We stroll through the hotel, like royalty surrounded by guards.
I guess in some ways that is what we are. After all, my family name is well known in all corners of the world. Even if it is for less than honorable and more illegal ways.
The weight of people's stares burns my skin as we pass through the casino and make our way to the elevator banks. Mamma’s soft laughter hits my ears, and I glance back, frowning at her easy demeanor with Alessio.
My gaze flicks to my personal guard, frown growing and almost stumbling when I witness the besotted look on his face. What the hell? I mean Mamma is a beautiful woman and still very much in her prime at forty-eight, so I understand Alessio’s interest, but he is in his mid-thirties, and more than that, Nico will not take kindly to one of his soldiers lusting after our mamma.
Athena calling my name draws my attention forward. Her brow is furrowed in question as she searches my face. “What’s wrong?” she whispers.
I shake my head, plastering on a smile. “Nothing.”
She sighs, coming to a stop when the rest of the group halts. “I don't believe you, but there is clearly a reason why you don't want to talk about it now.” She murmurs low enough for only me to hear.