Page 48 of Full Throttle
They got out of the car and left it in the care of the guys on the maintenance crew who hadn’t gone to Georgia’s.
“It’s definitely a high I’ve never experienced.”
She loved seeing the excitement of racing in his eyes. Colby nodded knowingly. “Exactly. It’s how I feel every time I’m out there. There truly is no better feeling in the world.”
“It’s certainly intoxicating, but there might be one or two things that might top it,” he said suggestively.
“Like what? I can’t imagine even one.” Colby said before catching on.
She looked so damn kissable. Liam couldn’t help himself. He reached out and pulled Colby close. Her arms reflexively came around as she grabbed ahold of his arms.
Liam’s face hovered close to hers. “I shouldn’t want to kiss you.”
Colby looked up into his face. She whispered, “I shouldn’t want you to.”
Her words were all it took for Liam to lean in close and press his lips against hers. Colby melted. At her response, Liam tightened his hold.
Colby’s mouth parted ever so slightly. It was then that Liam took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.
It was hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding. Colby wanted to pull away before she lost herself but couldn’t do it. If she were honest, she was gone the moment he pulled her into his arms.
Liam took his time as he savored the taste of her. Never in his life had a kiss rocked his entire being the way this one had.
They lost all sense of time and place until the annoying sound of his phone brought them back to reality.
Somehow, Liam managed to find the will to pull back.
Colby’s head was spinning. She had never been so thoroughly kissed before in her life.
Her eyes fluttered open. Her voice was a barely-there whisper. “I thought we decided not to act on our attraction to one another.”
He used the pad of his thumb to caress her lower lip. “I couldn’t help myself.” Liam hadn’t planned on kissing Colby.
Colby sucked in her lower lip as if to hide it away. More than likely, it was to keep herself from asking for more.
Liam’s throat felt thick as he watched all the emotions play across her face. He cradled her face between his hands. “You’re beautiful.” Their attraction was stronger than either of them realized. “I want to respect your wishes, but damn, that kiss. Knowing you feel the same way is a problem.”
Liam began to lower his head to kiss her again. Only this time, he was interrupted by Markos, who had just arrived at the garage.
He cleared his throat to announce himself. “Mr. Lockwood?”
Liam froze. Markos had the worst timing ever. Liam sighed in frustration before loosening his hold on Colby.
He half-turned and couldn’t keep the irritation out of his voice. “What?”
Markos was used to Liam’s moods. He didn’t take them personally. After knowing his boss for years, Markos had figured this moment with Colby was building. Markos wasn’t sure if Liam would act on his feelings or ignore them, but he was happy to see he had decided to go with it. “Your office in New York has been trying to connect with you. There appears to be a problem. They called me when they couldn’t reach you.”
Liam closed his eyes and dropped his forehead against Colby’s. “Can we meet later? I’d like to talk about this a little more?”
Run. Don’t do it. It’s suicide.Colby was hesitant but couldn’t bring herself to say no. She rationalized that, if she accepted his invitation, she could convince Liam that something like this could never happen again. “We can’t do this.”
“It’s already happening.” Liam ran his hand down the length of Colby’s arm.
Colby thanked God she was wearing her fire suit because it hid her goosebumps.
“Have dinner with me?”
If Liam were going to be around this NASCAR season, Colby had to get him to understand that they absolutely could not have a romantic relationship. She was uncertain. “Promise that we’ll just talk?”