Page 5 of Full Throttle
Liam stopped walking and dropped his head to his chest. He couldn’t believe it. “You don’t even own a fuckin’ car!”
Brian quickly jogged over and caught up to Liam. “Actually, I found a car and a driver that I think could win. The good news is that the team he works for is in financial trouble, and I can buy it for about twenty mil. The problem is NASCAR requires a million dollars in fees straight off, and the team upkeep is around twenty million a year.”
“You’re throwing around millions like it’s not a lot of money.”
“You just said‘what’s a few hundred thousand when you’re worth billions.’ ”
“I’mworth billions, Brian! Not you. ME! Basically, you’re asking that I sign-off on almost the entirety of your trust fund over a stupid ass bet?”
“I know it sounds crazy, but I’m positive this team can win.”
“I’m supposed to take your word for it when you’ve already proven that you have bad judgment?” Liam looked heavenward. This had to be a joke. He couldn’t believe Brian would be this foolish, not just with his own money but with their family’s company. “This can’t be real.”
For the first time, Brian looked guilty. “I wish it weren’t.”
Liam shook his head in sheer amazement of the stupidity of it all. “You do realize you have to pay to enter the race in Atlanta? Those races are not free.” The boy had no idea what he was doing, and what pissed Liam off even more was that Anthony probably knew it. They were toying with Brian, which meant they were toying with him.
Brian could see the wheels turning in Liam’s head. That was a good sign. “This team qualified in two Majors last year. I have a shot at fixing all of this. But if I’m going to buy the team, I have to move on it right away.”
Have mercy. Brian didn’t know the first thing about cars, racing, or anything else in that world. Liam started walking again. He needed to put as much distance between him and his younger brother as possible before he did something he would regret. “I didn’t say I was going to help you. As a matter-of-fact, if I can’t figure something else out . . .” Liam’s bodyguard held open the elevator doors that led to the parking garage. Liam pivoted to face Brian. “Get prepared to swim with the fishes, and it won’t be at the hands of the Luccesse family.”
Chapter 3
It was strange sleeping in her old bedroom. Colby had been home for a visit a little over six months ago, but that was different. This time she had come back to live. Her father needed her. With her mother gone, she was all he had. So, Colby dropped everything, took a leave from her job, and high-tailed it back to East Moline, Illinois.
She had only been in town a few days but apparently not a moment too soon. Her father, the most even-tempered man she had ever known, was mentally all over the place. He was almost too irritable to be around. She would deal with whatever mood he threw at her. He had always been her rock, and now, it was Colby’s turn.
Her dad was trying unsuccessfully to hide the stress of the moment and downplay what was going on around him. He ambled into the small kitchen. Colby had gotten up early and beat him there.
“Morning,” he grumbled.
“Morning.”Damn. He needed a shave.She said brightly, “Want some breakfast?”
“Nah. I’ve got to get to the garage early.”
He was dragging, and she could see the exhaustion on his face. “How about some coffee? I made a fresh pot.” Her parents’ kitchen would never win any awards fromBetter Homes and Gardens. It was as old-fashioned as it got. There wasn’t a modern gadget anywhere in sight. She even had to make the coffee using the percolator. The kitchen was just one giant metaphor for her father. The man did not believe in modern technology and fought fiercely against it.
“Maybe I will have a cup.” Casually, he asked, “What’s on your agenda for today?”
Colby handed the strong dark brew over to her dad. She lifted a shoulder. “I figured I’d drop by the garage and visit with the fellas. I hear Zander is in town. It’s been a while since all of us have been home at the same time.”
“You don’t have anything else to do?”Ever the protective father.Colby was sure he just wanted to keep her from the shit show that had become Daughtry Racing. His head waffled from side to side. “Today might not be a good time.”
Colby’s gaze was pointed as she lifted her cup to her lips. “Why would I want to do anything else?”
Cyrus couldn’t maintain eye contact. “It’s just going to be crazy. Our lead driver and his little entourage will be there.”
“Yep.” Cyrus took another sip of his coffee.
“You know, he’s been with Daughtry for a few years now, and I still haven’t met him. He’s been all over the news and really raising his profile. Didn’t he qualify top five for the starting lineup in the last race?” Colby had been impressed.
“Yep. The last two. You’ve been following him?”
Colby leaned up against the counter. "Of course. I still keep up with Daughtry news even though my own daddy doesn’t like to give up any juicy details.”
“If you meankeep upas in ‘Gonzo can’t keep his mouth shut,’ I can see that.”