Page 65 of Full Throttle
Brian wasn’t firing her?She didn’t know what was going on. Colby managed to find her voice. It came out in a broken whisper. “What?”
“He’s falling in love. I’m almost positive he doesn’t know what to do with those feelings. He’s not good at this kind of thing. Give him a spreadsheet or a project and the man’s a genius. Talk to him about people and feelings, and he’s like a brand-new baby.”
Colby remained silent. She didn’t know what to do with what Brian just revealed. Why hadn’t Liam told her that himself?
“There is a lot on the line for all of us. Lockwood Racing didn’t make it to Atlanta just because of me, but because of Liam. He knows how much all of this means to you and your friends.”
“I’m just trying to be a team player. If window dressing for Lockwood is what’s needed then, I’ll do it.This time.”
“I promise you’ll be behind the wheel in a few weeks and most likely for the rest of the season. We are going to use all of the hoopla from this race to prepare the press for your coming out, so to speak.”
Ha!Colby thought.I’ll be in Washington living my best life.“Look, I know you’ve invested a lot of money, but—”
“It’s not just money.” Brian exhaled. “What I am about to tell you can’t be repeated ever, and if somehow it is, I will deny it. This stays between us?”
Colby was hesitant, then slowly lowered her glasses to see Brian’s face more clearly. “Okay.”
“I’m guessing you did your internet research just like we did.”
“No. Liam hired someone to investigate me. That’s different,” Colby said.
Brian gave Colby a little shrug. “He’s Liam,” he said as if that explained everything. “The bottom line is your assumptions about me were probably right on the money. I’m a fuck up. Liam has been saving my ass since I was old enough to walk. Buying into this team was his version of helping to save my ass again.”
Colby was even more confused. “I-I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”
“It’ll become all too clear in a minute.” Nervously, Brian slid his hands up and down his jeans. “I have some bad blood with this guy. One night after way too many drinks, I entered into a stupid bet with him. I bet my car could beat his in a NASCAR race. At the time, I didn’t even own a car or a team. However, if I lost, I would have to give up all of my shares to my family’s company.”
“Are you serious?” Colby was in disbelief.
“Dead serious.”
“Why in God’s name would you do something like that?”
“This may seem like rich people problems to you, but here’s the rub. The man I entered into the bet with is a member of a notorious crime family. He’s the motivation behind most of my stupid decisions. I would never have bet the shares to my family’s company if I were sober. The problem is if I back out of our bet, the people I love the most could be harmed or worse. If I lose, this crime family would finally get their tentacles into Lockwood. Apparently, there has been an ongoing battle between our families for years.”
“Why do they want it so bad?” Colby asked.
“I suspect to launder money, but more than likely, it all boils down to a hatred for all things Lockwood. The last part, I don’t quite understand because I used to be the best of friends with the guy until he slept with my girlfriend.”
Colby froze. “Wait? Who are we talking about?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“No.” She shook her head. “It matters. Please tell me.”
“You wouldn’t know him.” Brian thought about it. “I don’t know. Maybe you would. His name is Anthony Luccesse.”
Colby placed her hand over her chest. “Dear God. Brian . . .”
“Apparently, you do know him. I forgot you and Lila are family, and they dated.”
She knew his name sounded familiar. He was the other potential buyer her father had told her about. But more importantly, he was the man who used her cousin as collateral damage. “Lila never dated him! He ruined her life!”
“Colby, I don’t know what Lila told you, but I saw her with Anthony with my own eyes.”
“No, what you saw was a disgusting piece of shit who drugged Lila and set it up to look like they’d slept together to one-up you.”
“What?” Brian couldn’t believe it. “That can’t be true.”