Page 68 of Full Throttle
By the time Colby and Gonzo arrived, most everyone was already seated around the table of the hotel restaurant. It wasn’t surprising when she didn’t see Asher. Colby was both surprised and relieved when she didn’t see Liam either.
As a matter-of-fact, she hadn’t seen him at all.Was he here?Surely, he wouldn’t miss this race. It was too important.
After more than an hour of trash talk and banter with her friends, the restaurant brought out dinner.
Colby finally relaxed because it was obvious that Liam wasn’t coming. She fully joined in the festivities. It was impossible not to feel the joy in the room as they ate and drank. The energy was contagious. She was glad Gonzo forced her to come. Ben shouted at her from the opposite end of the long dinner table. “So, Colby, how does it feel to have all these reporters eating out of the palm of your hands?”
She took a long sip of her wine before responding. “I don’t really know. I haven’t had to deal with them too much. I’ve only spoken with a couple of reporters long enough to say, ‘no comment.’”
“It’s a wonder any of us can even get close to you. Our security is a hell of a lot different than yours. Brian and Liam have you monitored like Fort Knox,” Jordan said, laughing. “I can guarantee that there won’t be any nooses hanging in your garage.”
Gonzo frowned and elbowed Jordan hard in the ribs to shut him up.
Colby’s smile faded as she glanced around the table. “What? What’s he talking about?”
If looks could kill, Brian would have murdered Jordan with his stare down. He turned to Colby. “We’re just taking extra precaution with everything going on.”
“What’s going on?” she asked, genuinely confused.
Jordan’s big mouth killed their entire vibe, and now, Brian was forced to explain. “They found a noose in Bubba Wallace’s garage.”
Her face turned ashen. “Are you kidding?”
“I wish I were. But you don’t have to worry.”
Colby swallowed hard as she asked her dad, “H-has anything like that happened in our garage?”
Cyrus glanced at Brian before responding. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
“That’s not the same as saying no,” Colby said.
“We have around the clock security monitoring all things Lockwood,” Brian assured her.
“As far as I know, there hasn’t been anything other than a few comments on social media. Your job is to focus on driving. Brian has hired folks to worry about the rest for us,” Cyrus said.
Colby was screaming on the inside.I’m not driving.She pressed her lips together to keep from blurting it out. It bothered her that it seemed like everyone was keeping important things from her.
The timing of his arrival couldn’t have been any worse. Liam strolled into the restaurant. As if the Gods weren’t already conspiring against her, the only open seat was the one right next to her.
“Hey, everybody. Sorry, I’m late.” Liam spoke as he sat down in-between Brian and Colby. “Hey,” he said quietly just for Colby’s ears.
Looking down at her plate, she murmured something resembling a greeting.
“Did you take care of that thing?” Brian asked Liam.
He hadn’t been able to tear his eyes away from Colby until he heard Brian speak. “Umm, yeah. It’s handled. Everything is good to go.”
Brian nodded as different conversations started to pick up again around the table.
“How are you feeling? Excited?” Liam asked Colby.
She picked up her drink and took another sip. “Why would I be excited? I’ll be watching the race like everyone else.”
“Can we go somewhere and talk?” Liam asked. “Just the two of us?”
Colby whispered, “We’re lying to all of my friends. They think we’re about to make history, and we’re not. There really is nothing to say, and even if I wanted to, where could we go? There are cameras everywhere.”
“I had the hotel clear your floor. Our security is monitoring it.” Liam picked up a glass of wine that someone had poured and took a drink.