Page 86 of Full Throttle
Liam Lockwood was all business when he and his team took the short stroll over to Anthony Luccesse’s VIP suite.
Anthony’s security stood just outside the doors.
“I have an appointment with Anthony,” Liam said.
One of Anthony’s goons mean-mugged him after recognizing him from the restaurant. He grumbled, “One minute.” The man left his post and went inside, presumably to inform his boss. Seconds later, he reappeared. “You can come. Alone.”
“No problem,” Liam agreed, but Markos didn’t like it one bit.
Liam entered the large suite. The first thing he noticed was that there were very few people around. Anthony was seated but slowly got up. His face showed evidence of Liam’s wrath. The man’s nose was swollen, his eyes were blackened, and he hadn’t been able to get his front tooth replaced. Inwardly, Liam smiled. “I think it’s time for you to stop fuckin’ around with my family.”
“Your punk-ass brother sent you to do his dirty work? I should have known he wouldn’t have the balls to face me even with a win.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, Brian entered the room, shocking both Anthony and Liam. “I don’t need anybody to handle my business. In a situation like this, what I need even less are bodyguards.”
Brian, Liam warned with his eyes. But Brian did not heed his brother’s words.
“You are not Liam, little Brian. I don’t need bodyguards to deal with you either.”
“Then call them off, and let’s do this. Man-to-man.”
Anthony grinned, exposing the gap between his teeth. Everything happened in slow motion. Anthony took a swing at Brian, but Brian moved just out of his reach and countered with a hard jab into Anthony’s stomach, driving his fist deep into Anthony’s gut.
Anthony doubled over, moving right into Brian’s uppercut, causing Anthony to drop to his knees and fall onto the floor.
Liam watched as his brother dealt with that monster, quite nicely too.
As he dished out three hard kicks to Anthony’s stomach, Brian spat out, “Don’t. Ever. Come. Near. My. Family!”
Anthony’s bodyguards moved in to stop the fight, but Liam couldn’t have that. He removed a gun from his inside his jacket. “Stand down.”
The men froze. Everyone was surprised Liam was packing heat, especially Brian.
Liam allowed the ass-kicking of the century to continue. He didn’t want Brian to kill the man, so eventually, he intervened, pulling Brian off of him.
“The bastard tried to ruin my life!” Brian was still enraged. He leaned over and spit on a badly beaten Anthony Luccesse, who writhed in pain.
The door to the suite opened, and the voice of a sultry woman floated to them as she walked inside with several other men. “Oh my. What a mess.”
Liam turned and grinned. “Perfect timing.”
She smiled in return. “If you’re finished, I would say so.”
“What are you standing around for?” Anthony yelled at his bodyguards. “Who the fuck is that?” Anthony looked up with a bloody face and swelling eyes. “Kill them!” he yelled.
“Oh, darling.” The woman released a throaty laugh. “How amusing.” She moved with the finesse of a large cat as she went to stand over him in her fitted designer dress and big Kentucky derby-like hat. She kneeled and lowered her large black glasses. “I am the woman who now owns every asset you’ve ever possessed, both legitimate and,” she paused, “those that are not. As a matter-of-fact, I even fuckin’ own you. So, I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Gina Lee-Xiou.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Anthony asked.
“Shall I do the honors?” Liam asked.
“Please,” Gina responded.
“Everything, and I mean everything, the Luccesses have ever touched is now in the hands of my friend, Gina Lee-Xiou.”
“Bullshit,” Anthony groaned. “I do business with people all over the world. They won’t stand for this.”
Gina took off a long black glove and walked over to the bar area. “Would anyone else like a glass of champagne, since we’re celebrating my good fortune? And all thanks to you, Liam.”