Page 13 of Her Baby His Gift
“I expect you to offer support, but you are not Damian.”
“This is a complicated situation.”
“You’ve said that a million times. I get it. She’spregnant. Harlem also has family and friends that she can lean on. Why does it always have to be you?”
“Dammit! I’m the father of that baby.”
Frustrated, Elaina glared at him. “You’ve told me that a million times too! I don’t know what kind of relationship the three of you had, but I don’t swing!”
Carter was taken aback. “Where the hell would you get an idea like that from?”
“You told me that you never wanted to have children. Personally, I don’t either. Then, you told me that your best friend’s wife was pregnant and that you were the father to explain away your unusual interest in her. I just assumed.”
“You assumed wrong!” He roared. “I didn’t sleep with Harlem. I was Damian and Harlem’s donor.”
“Their donor?”
“Yes. Their donor.”
“That’s a welcomed relief. Then, let me ask you this—” Elaina paused for dramatic effect. “Do you have feelings for Harlem?”
“That’s absurd. We don’t have that kind of a relationship.”
“Good.” Relieved, Elaina exhaled. “Then I really don’t understand your obsessive need to be there for her. You’re doing too much. If it had been Damian’s baby and not yours, who would she depend on?”
Carter was seething. “That is beside the point. Loyalty means everything to me, and you’ve betrayed my trust. I don’t take that lightly. On the slim chance that this clusterfuck is partially my fault, let me make something perfectly clear. I made a promise to Damian that I intend to keep, and I will always stand in the gap for him 24/7 and 365.”
Elaina swallowed nervously. She didn’t like the direction the conversation had gone.
Carter continued. “No matter how I might feel about fatherhood, I’m going to have to swallow that shit.Ifyou and I are going to go any further in this relationship, you need to understand that. Whenever Harlem needs me, I will be there. Simply put, I will always look after that kid and, by extension, Harlem. Can you deal with that? If not, let me know now.”
Elaina hated being in this situation, but she also wasn’t going to lose Carter to Harlem. She just needed more time. Their relationship was too new to make any demands. If Elaina was going to win, she had to tap dance on a razor’s edge. She would go along to get along . . .for now. Her voice softened. “It’s hard for a woman to play second fiddle to another.” Elaina stepped closer to Carter. She flattened her palms against his chest and raised her chin so that she could look deeply into his eyes. “I want to build a future with you.”
Carter couldn’t imagine any woman handling this situation well. He wanted to do right by everyone involved and decided to give Elaina a pass on this one–this time. However, he didn’t have the patience to deal with any more bullshit.
Carter was tired. He exhaled. “I’ve got to get back to the office.”
She spoke softly and gently raked her fingers through his hair. “Are we okay?”
Carter was ready to cut and run. That would have been his usual M.O., but that was the old him. “If we’re clear, let’s just put it behind us.”
“Okay. I’d like that. How about dinner? At your place?” Elaina used her most sultry voice. “I’ll bring the food. Plus, I still want to thank you properly for the flowers and diamond bracelet.”
Carter really didn’t want to be bothered, but he forced himself. “Sounds good. I’ll see you at eight.” Before Elaina could kiss him, Carter turned on his heel and strode out of her office.
Elaina watched him leave. She could tell by the stiffness of his gait that Carter was still pissed. Elaina had her work cut out for her. Elaina could tell that this was going to be an epic battle, and there was no way she intended to let Harlem Thomas win.
Chapter 8
Harlem took a deep breath as she stood outside the door of the physician’s office. She was nervous.Plenty of women managed motherhood on their own. I can do it.Harlem didn’t want to depend on Carter. He may have good intentions, but graveyards were full of people with those. This was something that she was going to have to do by herself. Harlem squared her shoulders and walked inside before quickly stopping short.
The waiting room was full . . . of couples. A bunch of seemingly loving couples massaging each other’s shoulders and looking all in love.Great.Harlem tried to stomp out the negative energy before it even started.Don’t be a bitter Betty, Harlem. But more importantly,don’t schedule anymore damn Saturday morning appointments either.Harlem checked in and then took the only available seat next to one of those couples. It literally made her want to gag.
It was good that so many women had the support of their partners. She just wasn’t one of them. Instead of focusing on that, Harlem picked up an Essence magazine from off the coffee table as a distraction. Too bad she couldn’t concentrate on the words. Not when thewoe is mefeeling was working hard to rear its ugly head.
A nurse called the name of the couple sitting next to her, and they left the waiting room. Harlem had a little more room to relax. She flipped a page in the magazine. She wasn’t reading it but needed something to do with her hands and pent-up nervous energy.
“Oh good. You haven’t gone in yet.”