Page 34 of Her Baby His Gift
“It doesn’t make you less of man if you need help conceiving. It also isn’t anything to be embarrassed about. Hell, even adoption should be on the table.”
“I’m not embarrassed. It’s just . . .”
“Just what?” Carter was genuinely confused.
“Nothing but.”
Damian rubbed the side of his face. “Adoption is out.”
“There is nothing wrong with Harlem. Why shouldn’t she have a child of her own? The issue is with me.”
Carter could understand that. “What about a donor then?”
“It’s crossed my mind. I just can’t imagine it–unless. . .” His voice trailed off.
“Unless what?”
“Unless you were the donor.”
Carter started choking. “What?” He couldn’t have possibly heard him correctly.
“I don’t trust the IVF system. I’ve read too many horror stories about that shit. It would make perfect sense for you to do it.” Damian continued to explain.
“Perfectly, crazy! I don’t know what you were smoking before you showed up this morning, but it must have been the really good stuff. It has you believing the impossible is possible.”
“How so?”
“How so?! We’re friends! We hang out at least once a week. Have you not considered how strange it would be to show up at your place, and my biological kid answered the door? I’m willing to do almost anything to help, but that shit? No way. Out of the question.”
“I gave you a kidney. You’d be dead without it.” Damian countered.
Damn. That was true. “C’mon, man, you’re not thinking straight. You’re in shock.”
“Maybe,” Damian said as if his request wasn’t batshit crazy. “Still, the fact remains, I don’t want to go to a sperm bank. It may not even be necessary. But, I’m sort of asking you to do this if it turns out that I can’t father a kid.”
Stunned, Carter didn’t know what to say or think, but he was able to form one coherent thought.How the hell do I get out of this shit?
Chapter 18
It was late when Damian arrived home. Harlem was already in bed. He climbed in beside her, and she immediately turned into him and nestled into the crook of his arm.
Harlem caressed his chest. “I missed you today.” If she were honest, there had been even more of a distance between them ever since the night they took the test, and she hated it.
“I missed you too.” He sighed contentedly, “It doesn’t get much better than this.” He had to tell her. Damian pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, I didn’t want to tell you this tonight, but I went to go see a specialist today.”
“What kind of specialist?”
“A fertility physician.”
She was surprised. “Why didn’t you say anything? I would have gone with you.”
“Harlem, you already have enough on your plate.”
“Dame. We are partners. I know that you are hurting and disappointed.”