Page 41 of Her Baby His Gift
“I’ve got some important news. How about tonight?”
Carter had been dreading this moment.What news could Damian have other than telling him that Harlem was pregnant?He scratched his forehead. “I don’t know if I can do tonight.”
Damian understood his hesitancy, but he didn’t think he would have the strength to have this conversation more than once. “It’s important. I really need you to come by the house tonight.”
Carter wanted to slam his head against a wall. He sighed. “Sure. What time?”
Harlem was in the family room curled up on the sofa, watching the news. She was determined to have it out with Damian no matter what time he got home. However, she wasn’t expecting it when he walked through the door around six.
He poked his head through the door. “Hey.”
Harlem glanced up at him. He looked tired. His eyes had dark circles around them. He was stressed, but so was she. Harlem would not feel sorry for him. She turned back to the television. “Why did you lie to me? I guess a better question is, why have you been lying to me?”
Slowly, Damian walked into the family room and sat down next to Harlem. He rubbed his hands up and down his thighs. “I never wanted to hurt you.”
Harlem’s chest ached, and her eyes closed. Her mind was spinning. “I came home from work today fully prepared to leave you. Then I asked myself, why should I? I love this place. I haven’t done anything wrong. I’ve done everything to make our relationship work. So, you can pack your shit. I picked out this furniture.” She pointed to the window. “Those drapes and everything in this place was all me. I shouldn’t have to leave it because you’ve been unfaithful.”
“What? Wait. That’s not . . .”
Harlem had to stand. She got up off of the couch. “How could you do this? And withDanaof all people?”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not cheating on you!”
Harlem whipped around. “You told me that you were in meetings at your office all day today. Natalie told me you’ve been off-site all week! I heard Dana in the background when we were talking this afternoon.”
Damian lowered his head. “That wasn’t Dana.”
Harlem placed her hands on her hip. “No? Okay. If not Dana, who? Not that it would it make it any better.”
“I plan to explain it all when Carter gets here.”
“Carter?” Harlem was confused. “What’s he got to do with this? Is he going to lie for you now that you’ve had time to get your stories together?”
Damian wasn’t going to answer that. It was silly. The buzzer to their condo went off. “That’s him now. Let me get the door, and I promise to explain everything.”
Harlem’s life was falling apart. She did not want to see, hear, or talk to Carter Owens. If Damian wasn’t with Dana, it was probably somebody that he met while with Carter. Both of them could go straight to hell!
Speaking of the Devil.Harlem’s eyes were shooting daggers at Carter when he walked into her family room.
He was not in the mood for any of Harlem’s shit. Briefly, his eyes glanced down at her stomach before quickly finding something else to focus on. His voice was gruff. “What was so important that I had to change my plans so that you could talk to me tonight?” Carter was clearly not in a good mood either.
Harlem folded her arms across her chest. “Considering everything that’s going on, I’d like to know that myself.”
Damian rubbed his hands together. “You both deserve the truth, and I can only hope that you’ll forgive me after I give it to you.”
Chapter 22
A feeling of dread spread throughout Harlem’s body. Slowly, she took a seat in one of the chairs that sat opposite the sofa and Carter.
Damian started to speak. “Several months ago, I found out that I couldn’t father a child.” His voice shook. “What I didn’t tell you was that shortly after we started IVF treatments, I found out that I had pancreatic cancer. In my arrogance, I figured I could beat this thing.”
Harlem’s voice came out in a barely-there whisper. “What?”
Carter didn’t like the direction this conversation was going.
“I should have told you both, and that was a mistake. This situation has forced me to take a good long look at my life and those closest to me.”