Page 46 of Her Baby His Gift
“Snuggles knows all of my secrets. If you’re nice, maybe I’ll let you borrow him. He’ll keep your secrets too.” They had both suffered enough sadness recently. Harlem decided not to keep pushing.
“I should take you up on the offer. It would probably be cheaper than a therapist.”
Elaine interrupted their conversation when she popped her head into the room. “Hey you guys, dinner is ready. We don’t want it to get cold.”
Harlem got up from the bed and held out her hand. “Come on.” She smiled. “My mom is a sweetheart, but she doesn’t mess around when it comes to being on-time for dinner. We do not want to cross that woman.”
Carter and Harlem were seated across the dinner table from her parents. Carter enjoyed watching Harlem interact with her family. He didn’t say much and found it more interesting to be a spectator. They were so animated. It was like watching something from a television sitcom.
Elaine turned to him. “How did you enjoy your dinner?”
Harlem glanced at his empty plate. She answered with an impish grin. “My guess is good. He didn’t leave anything on it.”
Carter wasn’t going to lie. Harlem’s mom made the best macaroni and cheese he’d ever eaten. He was stuffed. “It was one of the finest meals I’ve ever had.”
Elaine’s smile widened. “Good. I’m glad you enjoyed it. But, I hope you saved room for dessert.”
Elijah killed the joyous atmosphere. “What I want to know is why a billionaire would want to be a sperm donor for my daughter?” At his wife’s request, Elijah had waited until after dinner. Now he wanted answers. “You could probably have had a child with damn near anybody.”
Harlem wanted to dissolve into a puddle on the floor.
Carter knew that question was coming. He responded as honestly as he knew how. He sat up and put his elbows on the table. “It wasn’t my preference.”
“Then, why do it?” Elijah asked again.
Harlem looked at Carter with sympathetic eyes.
“Not only was Damian like a brother to me, I literally owe him my life. I’m alive and sitting at this table because he donated one of his kidney’s to me. He wanted a child, and I could help. It’s as simple as that.”
“I didn’t know that,” Elaine said quietly.
“So you answered the call,” Elijah said.
Carter cracked a smile. “Not at first. I did my best to convince Damian to use an anonymous donor. I thought it would be weird to visit him and possibly look into the face of a kid that looked like me.”
“Damian could be very persuasive.” Harlem co-signed.
Elaine knew that to be true. Damian had convinced Harlem to give up on several things that were near and dear to her heart.
“How could I say no? I also thought Harlem would kill that idea in its infancy.”
“Why did you think that?” Elijah asked.
Carter and Harlem turned to each other and laughed. “Let’s just say your daughter wasn’t too fond of me.”
“Really? I find that interesting.” Elijah sat back in his chair. He and Elaine exchanged a glance.
Harlem didn’t miss it. She narrowed her eyes, wondering what that silent conversation was all about.
“Let’s just say I am not the marrying kind and had no intention of ever having children.”
Harlem hated when men said that. “What doesnot being the marrying kindeven mean?”
Elaine answered as she stood up from the table. “It means he hasn’t found theone. When he does, all that nonsense will go flying right out of the window.”
Elijah nodded in agreement. “Yep. I played the field for the longest time. Met your mom, and it was a wrap.”