Page 51 of Her Baby His Gift
Harlem was having a baby with Carter, andtheywere going to be parents.
Chapter 25
Carter was exhausted. His weekend trip with Harlem was emotionally draining and almost took him out. He had just dropped her off at home and was now pulling up into his driveway. As the garage door crept open, Carter spotted Elaina’s red Lexus.
“Shit.” Carter hoped to just chill for the rest of the night. He was in no mood to entertain. However, he had given Elaina a key. Carter wondered if all couples had moments where they just didn’t feel like being bothered.
He parked his car and reached into the backseat for his leather overnight bag. He got out with his bag in hand and slung it over his shoulder. Then, walked into the kitchen through the garage door.
“Carter?” He heard her voice.
“Yep. It’s me.”
“I thought I heard you pulling into the garage.” Elaina walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him hard on the lips. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He didn’t, but Carter figured it was probably best not to let her know that.
“Did you?” She raised a perfectly sculpted brow. “I would never have known since you didn’t call while you were gone.”
Carter rolled his head around his shoulders. “Really? We’re going to do this as soon as I walk through the door? I was only gone for a day and a half.”
Elaina could tell he was irritated, and as angry as she was, that was not the mood she wanted to set. Not if she hoped to put her plan in motion. Elaina glanced up at him with puppy dog eyes. “I just really missed you, that’s all.”
Carter felt terrible that he didn’t feel bad. Elaina had every right to be a little irritated. He sighed. “I should have called. There was a lot to deal with.”
“Want to talk about it?” Elaina held his gaze.
Carter leaned into Elaina and kissed her hard on the lips hoping to distract her.Talk?About Harlem and Damian?It was the last thing he wanted to do. Carter pulled back slowly. “What I want is a hot shower, a cold drink, and to watch the football gamewith you.”
Elaina almost melted in his arms at his words. She smiled up at him. “I can certainly accommodate that.”
“Good. Let me put my bag away and grab a quick shower. I’ll meet you in the theater room.”
“Cool.” Carter stepped away and headed straight for his bedroom, wishing he had his house to himself.
Carter was towel drying his hair that was still wet from the shower when he came out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. He was wearing nothing but a dark blue towel around his waist. His body was still covered with droplets of water.
When Carter glanced up, he was surprised to find Elaina in bed waiting for him. She was wrapped in a satiny white sheet and nothing else. She smiled sexily. “I figured you could have a cold drink and watch the game with me without ever leaving your room.”
That was not his plan at all. However, Elaina didn’t deserve to be treated like a booty call. She was now his girlfriend and deserved his attention. Carter had been gone the entire weekend with Harlem. If the tables were turned, he wouldn’t deal with this crazy ass situation. Therefore, Carter decided to muscle up some energy for a few more hours. “That’s an offer I can’t refuse.” Carter went over to his dresser, searching for a pair of pajamas. He dropped his towel.
Elaina’s breath caught in her chest. She never got tired of seeing a naked Carter. She caressed the back of his body with her eyes from head to toe. “It would be a shame to cover up that body.”
Shit.Carter wasn’t sure he could fake it. Not convincingly anyway. He had to try. Carter pasted on a smile, then slowly turned.
Elaina bit her lower lip. His chest was a work of art.How on earth does he have such defined muscles?And the largest one hanging between his thighs was no joke. Even flaccid, it was damned impressive. Elaina rubbed her thighs together in anticipation. It had been much too long since they’d made love. She had stopped taking her birth control pills a couple of weeks ago and wondered how long it would take to get pregnant.
Carter got into bed and underneath the sheets. Never in his life had he ever not been up to having sex. Could he perform? Yes. Did he want to perform? Not really. He just wasn’t in the mood. Elaina’s body had always proven to be a good distraction. Tonight, Carter felt like being with her was more of a chore. He lay flat on his back with one arm behind his head. He gave her a half-smile. “I thought we were going to watch football?”
Elaina dimmed the lights on the nightstand. “Would you really rather watch the silly old football game than have a little fun with me?”
Actually, I would.Carter didn’t say what he was thinking. Instead, he kept it light. “What do you think?”
Elaina wasted no time trying to get him aroused. She leaned over into his body andmashed her lips against his.Elaina hungrily pushed her tongue into his mouth. The stubble from his newly grown beard scratched against her face as she gripped his head firmly, as if to keep him from escaping. She worked her mouth against his, not realizing that Carter was only going through the motions.Elaina pulled away and decided to take a trip down Carter body. She began to place wet kisses down the side of his neck.