Page 7 of Her Baby His Gift
“Of course, Mr. Owens.”
“Please send flowers to Elaina.”
“Flowers? On a scale of one to ten, how bad did you mess up?” Amy giggled.
“Not a ten, but maybe somewhere between seven or eight.”
“Ah. Maybe you should send something shiny with those flowers.”
“This is new ground for me, so send whatever you think will make her less pissed.”
Carter opened Harlem’s fridge while speaking to Amy. “What the hell does she have in here?
“No. I was talking to myself.” The damn thing was almost empty. There were a few eggs, some cheese, and a little milk. He’d seen some spinach in the freezer. “Hey, while you’re ordering for Elaina, can you order some groceries for Harlem?”
“Of course. By the way, how is she feeling?”
“I wish I could say well.”
“Please tell her she’s in my thoughts. I’ll get right on it, and I will let you know once everything is all set.”
“Will do, and thanks.” Carter disconnected. He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.Omelet it is.
Chapter 5
Harlem stood underneath the spray of warm water and let it cascade down her aching body. She didn’t move for almost thirty minutes until Carter knocked on the door.
“You good in there?”
She had lost track of time. “I’ll be out soon.” Harlem washed her hair. Her stomach grumbled. She wasn’t hungry before but was now starving. Lately, it seemed as if her body had two gears. It switched between something resembling starvation and nausea.
Harlem couldn’t believe how her life had changed over the past couple of months. Her entire world had been turned on its head.
She took a deep breath.
It was still hard to wrap her mind around being pregnant. She didn’t feel like she was carrying around a human being, but the doctors had verified it on more than one occasion. Being a single parent hadn’t been in her life-plan. The thought of termination had entered her mind more than she would have liked to admit. It would be best for everyone.Wouldn’t it?She wondered.
It would also sever any remaining ties to him. Harlem didn’t know if she could do that. The guilt and shame she felt for even having those thoughts were overwhelming. She wished she could have a day where her despair wasn’t so crushing, and the weight of her situation wasn’t sitting so heavy on her shoulders. Carter was really trying to help, but he was a whole other problem. Their situation was so complicated. Harlem had no idea how to navigate it.
The water was starting to cool. She massaged some leave-in conditioner into her hair, then turned off the shower and got out. Harlem rummaged through a drawer until she found a yellow plastic cap and put it on. She would let the conditioner sit for a while. Harlem quickly dressed and went out into the living room. She did feel somewhat better.
Carter was sitting on the sofa with his feet up, watching a basketball game. He glanced up. “About time. I slaved in that kitchen to make you breakfast, and now you’re going to have to reheat it.”
“I didn’t ask you.”
“You need to eat and put on some weight.”
“God, you sound like my mom.”
Carter started to get up. “I’ll put it in the microwave.”
“That’s okay.” Harlem picked up her plate and inspected it. “Wow. I’m slightly impressed.”
That was the Harlem that Carter was most comfortable with.
She went into the kitchen and was back in a few minutes. Harlem sat down on the sofa opposite Carter and curled her feet underneath her. She took a bite of food. “You really didn’t have to do this, but I’m so glad you did.”