Page 23 of His Baby Her Gift
“Who would have guessed that I would run into you today?” Elaina said.
Harlem had a feeling that raggedy heffa knew she had an appointment today. How since Harlem hadn’t told Carter was the question?
She continued to ignore her.
“I suppose this might be hard for you.” Elaina feigned concern. “I understand probably better than anyone. Just a few short weeks ago, I was in your shoes.”
“Harlem?” The nurse called her name. “Dr. Jones is ready for you.” Harlem stood. Before she walked out of the waiting room to go into the patient’s room, she turned to Elaina. “The difference between you and me is I would never try to manipulate Carter. He deserves so much better.” Harlem turned and walked away, leaving Elaina seething.
Harlem couldn’t help the uneasy feeling she had whenever Elaina was around. Something was off with her. If Harlem voiced her concerns out loud, it would sound crazy, but the coincidences with Elaina were piling up.
“Was that your sister in the waiting room?” The nurse asked Harlem as she followed her to her room.
“What?” Her question brought Harlem out of her thoughts. “My sister?”
“Yes. You and Ms. Robbins have a very strong resemblance to one another.”
“No. We are not related.”
Chapter 10
Harlem called Mesha after she finished with her doctor’s appointment and running a few errands. “I need you to talk me down.”
“From what?”
“The ledge.”
“You can be stubborn, so that might be hard.”
“I’m serious, Mesha. Listen, I had my monthly appointment with Dr. Jones today, and you’ll never guess who else is a patient of his?”
“You’re right, I won’t. Who?”
“Weird, right?”
“Didn’t we just see her last week at that baby store?”
“It hasn’t even been a week. That was Saturday.”
“It’s probably all just a big coincidence.” Mesha didn’t want to freak Harlem out, but Elaina popping up where Harlem would be, did start to feel like more than a coincidence.
“I would think the same thing except . . .” One of the on-site security guards called out to her as Harlem was about to pass his desk. “Hold on a second,” Harlem said to Mesha. “Hi, George. What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to let you know maintenance was on-site today. My guys had to go into a few of the condos to complete several city inspections, and yours was on the list.”
“Oh. Yes. I knew about that. Thanks for the reminder.” Harlem continued walking over to the elevator. “Sorry, Mesha.”
“My guess is Elaina was snooping in Carter’s shit and found out your appointment was for today. She probably showed up just to antagonize you. Don’t let her.”
“The problem with that theory is that I didn’t tell Carter about this appointment.” Harlem got on the elevator and pressed the button to her floor.
“I’m sure it’s nothing.” She wasn’t. “Have you talked to Carter since you put a pause on your relationship?”
“I haven’t. It’s only been a few days, but it feels like a piece of me is missing. Maybe I made a mistake.”