Page 7 of His Baby Her Gift
“Just based on what she has told Mel, it was obvious to us that they wanted different things. I’m not sure if Damian or Harlem were even aware of it.”
“That’s interesting.”
“C’mon. You know Damian and Harlem didn’t agree on hardly anything. But, you know Damian. Don’t get me wrong. He was a good guy. I love and miss him, but Dame was a smooth talker. He could convince you to do things you knew damn well you didn’t want to do. Only you wouldn’t realize it until after the deed was done. That’s what made him such a shark at our investment firm.”
“I always thought Harlem was attractive, but she was with Dame. I didn’t think of her that way after they got together.”
“Mostly, never.” A corner of Carter’s lip lifted in a smile. “I’m human. But, I would never cross the line.”
“I always thought the underlying tension between you two was because maybe there was something untapped there.”
“I don’t know. If there was, I’m not sure either of us would have been aware of it. We had too much love and respect for Dame to ever consider hooking up. We barely even talked back then until your accident. Even after that, we didn’t start to get to know each other until after Dame’s diagnosis.”
“Mel says she mentions you a lot when they are talking on the phone. Is there something going on that’s a little more than friendly?”
Carter shrugged. He wasn’t sure how much of anything he should say. “You know that we’ve been spending a lot of time together.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Let’s just say that I’m interested, and we’re trying to figure out how far and fast to take things.”
“So, you’re seriously thinking of pursuing her?”
“I know it might seem too soon, but Damian gave us his blessing.”
“Damn. Straight?” Nate was a little surprised.
“Yeah. He did.” Carter held Nate’s gaze. “Would you have a problem with that?”
“Look, man. No matter how much we wish otherwise, Damian is gone. He would want both you and Harlem to be happy. If he gave you his blessing, and you two can find peace and joy with each other, I’m all for it. You will no doubt have people in our circle talking shit, but Mel and I aren’t one of them. If Dame’s life ending too soon has taught us anything, it’s that life is short. We have to find love where we can.”
Carter appreciated his words. It wouldn’t have mattered, but he still appreciated them. “I have this connection with Harlem that I’ve never shared with anyone else. And I’m a man who trusts his instincts. They are telling me to go after her.”
“You’ve got to listen.”
“I am different with her.”
“The love of a good woman will do that to you.” Nate scratched the side of his head. “Have you spent any time with Harlem’s dad?”
“A little when we drove up for Damian’s birthday. I stayed at Harlem’s parent’s house.”
Nate was a little shocked. “He let you sleep under the same roof?”
“Yeah. He did.”
“That man is intimidating. I met him a few times.” Nate laughed.
“He is, but I plan to be the same way when the baby is born.”
“You’re really stepping into this fatherhood role.” He laughed. “You’re talking like a daddy already. Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Me either. I just have to convince Harlem that I’m for real and deal with Elaina.”
“I thought you two broke up.”
“We did, but she is pulling the ‘I’m pregnant’ card. Elaina knows damn well that we never had unprotected sex. We’re supposed to go to the doctor to confirm, but she’s been dodging me.”