Page 27 of Full Throttle 2
“No. I’m trying to keep us all employed and out of bankruptcy. I know you hate to hear this, but you need Kelly. Her family’s money and influence have kept the lights on aroundhere. Those folks outside in those cubicles are working hard, and they needed the infusion of capital we were given from him. How would Kelly’s old man react if he found out about this?”
“You act like Kelly’s dad doesn’t understand having a mistress or two. Russ won’t give a shit as long as I don’t publicly embarrass Kelly.”
“So, you don’t think getting mixed up with Lila’s family won’t do that? I mean, her cousin, Colby, is about as high-profile as it gets right now. It’s not worth it. Move on before you’re plastered all over TNZ and the board removes you as CEO.”
Carrington ignored him. “That’s where you’re wrong. This is a great business decision. Lockwood Racing is bleeding cash. They need money, and as I said, we could use some good publicity.”
Philip shoved a hand through his hair, frustrated. “What is your plan because I can’t see how it works out in our best interest? Let’s say we invest in Lockwood Racing, and then what?”
“That’s the question you should have led with instead of coming at me like you were Captain Save-A-Whore.”
Lila wasn’t a whore. Philip knew that. She was just ambitious and got mixed up with the wrong man.
“Lockwood needs money, and we have it.”
“Barely. And?”
“And that’s it. I have a guy meeting with Brian Lockwood at this very moment. He’s representing Glenmore.”
“That’s one of the smaller businesses we acquired some time ago in our Hughes portfolio.”
“Yes, and one Lila won’t be able to connect to us and steer her new boy toy away from.”
“How do you know they’re dating?”
“Brian Lockwood has been all over the blogs. They’ve been photographed together. It’s obvious they are sleeping together.”
“So. He’s a prick.”
“You don’t even know that man.”
“Don’t need to. Unfortunately, he’ll be collateral damage.”
“So, that’s your plan? Sponsor Lockwood and exact revenge on Lila? I still don’t see the point.”
“You will, and the return will be worth ten times more than any investment.” Carrington smiled mischievously. “Don’t mind me if I get to have a little fun in the process.”
Carrington was disgusting, and Philip had a bad feeling about this. But it was clear Carrington’s mind was made up. Philip’s job was now to figure out how best to protect the company if, or more accurately, when, the shit hit the fan.
Chapter Thirteen
Brian arrived at the meeting a few minutes early and waited in his car until it was time. So much was riding on him securing this deal.
He’d seen Mac Glenmore enter the restaurant and decided to let him go in first. Brian didn’t have much leverage, but he still wanted to enter negotiations from a position of power.
What would Liam do?He’d man up and close the deal.Brian exited his car and walked into the restaurant. He had arranged to meet Glenmore at The River Room. It was the onlyrealrestaurant in town.
Brian wondered what would have happened if he hadn’t been drunk that night and made that bet with Anthony Luccesse? Would he have even purchased the team? His red-hot anger ultimately led to the split-second decision to buy Daughtry Racing. For better or worse, that bet set off a series of events. His decision came with a lot of financial pain and heartache. There was so much Brian had to learn and zero time to learn it. But how could he regret it when it brought Lila back into his life? Still, Brian hadn’t realized how expensive running a professional racing team was. It had almost depleted his trust fund.
Overall, there was a huge upside to his purchase. And, although Brian hated Anthony, that encounter stopped him from aimlessly wasting his life and truly finding his purpose. Lila’s face flashed before his eyes, and a small smile appeared on his face.
The bulge in his pocket was barely noticeable. Brian reached inside his jacket and palmed the small black velvet box. He couldn’t wait for the day when he could present the dazzling five-carat emerald-cut diamond.When the time is right, this is going on Lila’s finger.
That night at the club felt like eons ago and is what led them back together. It still felt surreal. Brian wasn’t sure if it was because he was piss ass drunk but thinking back on it....
When Brian had arrived, the club was packed with wall-to-wall people. The DJ had the place rockin’ as the music blared through massive speakers placed strategically throughout the room. The base was pumping so hard it was bouncing off the walls. He could even feel the vibration beneath the soles of his feet.