Page 29 of Full Throttle 2
However, tonight, Brian’s ego got the best of him. He couldn’t let Anthony think that his betrayal cut deep. He shrugged. “If you’re spending your money, then I don’t have to spend mine.” Brian motioned for his security to allow Anthony entrance into his space.
Anthony yelled out over the music. “Bring my man a bottle of Asombroso Del Porto Extra Anejo and one for his friends too.”
The waiter nodded.
Anthony sat down opposite Brian. “Seriously, this is my peace offering.”
“You think a few bottles of two-thousand-dollar tequila is going to erase all the shit you did?”
“Look, I told you. Lila was a mistake. It never should have happened.”
Brian cut him off. “I’m not talking about Lila.”
“We were young and stupid back then. We both did stupid shit. After all this time, we have grown up, right?” A warm smile graced Anthony’s face. Brian thought it almost seemed genuine.
The waiter returned with a bottle and poured each of them a shot. Anthony raised his glass. “To old friends. Salute.”
Anthony was a snake. One Brian probably shouldn’t let within striking distance. Still, he lifted his glass. “Salute.”
They threw their glasses back. Anthony grinned. “Forgiven?”
“Let’s just say it’s my birthday, and I plan to enjoy it.”
“Cool. Then, let’s get it!” Anthony stood, pulling a curly-haired beauty up with him.
They partied hard over the next couple of hours, and Anthony continued ordering more drinks. Brian continued to toss them back, not realizing Anthony wasn’t doing the same.
“Just like old times, huh?” Anthony asked as he sat back down at the table, taking a break from the dance floor.
Brian had to admit. It was like old times. At least before he realized that Anthony was a no-good son of a bitch. “The only difference is you’re not trying to con me out of my money.”
Anthony frowned. “You calling me a cheat?”
“I’m sure you’ve been called a lot worse.”
Anthony’s face grew tight, and he stood from his seat. “I came over to make amends. I bought you drinks for your birthday, and this is how you repay my gesture. By insulting me? Calling me a cheat?!”
Brian stumbled to his feet. “Hell yeah! You’re a cheat, a bum, and a liar! Always have been, and no matter how much money you have, always will be.”
“Be careful, Brian. This ain’t college where you were the man. I’m not going to take too many more insults from you. Words like that have been known to get men killed.”
Brian slurred. “You think your threats scare me?”
“They should.”
Brian narrowed his eyes. “Nothing about you scares me. Nothing!”
“Well, well, well . . . look at little Brian. Flexing?”
Brian stepped into Anthony’s face. They were nose to nose. “If that’s what you want to call it. I beat your ass in college, and even drunk, I can repeat the lesson you clearly didn’t learn.”
Security for both men inched a bit closer—waiting—in case things got out of control.
Anthony really wasn’t a fighter. He hired people for that. Still, he hit Brian with a low blow. “I stole your woman, so I can’t be too much of a bum.”
His words set Brian off. He lunged at Anthony, but Brian’s people held him back.
Anthony laughed. “You’re seriously trying to write a check your ass can’t cash. If you didn’t know, you’re in the deep end, Brian. You might want to call Liam to save you on this one.”