Page 33 of Full Throttle 2
“I knew it!” Colby couldn’t contain her excitement. “Is it someone I know? I mean, we kinda know everyone around here.”
“Nah. You don’t know her. She’s not from these parts. Her name is Robyn Baxter. Just moved into town a few months ago.”
“Does she seem nice?”
“Yeah, from what I’ve seen. I mean, I don’t know how close they are, but he lights up when she comes around.”
“Wow. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me that he met someone.”
“Probably nervous about how you would feel. Like you said, it’s been the two of you for so long.”
“Colby James?”
Colby and Gonzo turned around at the same time to see who was calling out to her.
“Yes?” Colby didn’t recognize the woman standing before her, although she looked familiar. She wondered if they’d hired someone new since she was wearing Lockwood coveralls. She was slightly taller than Colby and had a determined look in her big, round eyes.
Colby waited for her to respond.
The woman inhaled before letting her words fly. “How does it feel to sell out your own community?”
Immediately, Gonzo stepped in between the woman and Colby. “Security!” Gonzo went into full protection mode. Therehad been way too many death threats and a couple of attempts to harm Colby to take any chances.
“Who the hell are you?” Colby glanced around him. “How did you get in here?”
“The great Colby James. You made it but haven’t done anything to help your own people!”
Excuse you? Colby had been working her ass off for the diversity initiative. Who was this woman questioning her? Colby was hot. She pushed Gonzo out of the way. “You don’t know me to say what I have or haven’t done!”
The woman didn’t back down. “I know that you preach Black girl magic, but gatekeep the rest of us so that you’re the only one on the circuit.”
“That’s bullshit!”
Security arrived and grabbed hold of each of the woman’s arms. As they started dragging her out, she screamed, “So why aren’t any of us ever at your events? We can’t even get into your workshops. Nothing!”
Colby screamed back, “That’s not true!”
“Yes, it is. I have proof.”
Proof?She had to be lying.Right?“Wait!” Colby called out to her security. The woman’s words struck a sensitive chord. “What kind of proof?”
Security loosened their grip but didn’t completely let the woman go. “Initially, I got a ticket to Women in NASCAR. When I showed up, and they realized I was Black, they turned me away.”
“I find that hard to believe, and that’s not proof. You would have been pre-screened for the event. They would have already known that Abby Reiser was Black.”
The woman was surprised. “Oh. So, you do know who I am?”
“I didn’t at first, but I recognize you. There are only four Black women who drive professionally in the NASCARtruck series. You, Monica Wilcox, Beverly Jones, and Tracy Longbush.”
It was Abby’s turn to look surprised. “Do you ever wonder why none of us are ever in the same room as you? It’s not for lack of trying.”
“My events are always sold out. It’s first come, first serve. You’re going to have to do better than that. If you have so-called proof”—Colby tapped her watch—“ticktock, baby girl.”
“Okay, how about this?” Abby reached for her phone and almost had her arm ripped off by security. “Damn! I’m just going for my cell.”
Slowly, Colby nodded that it was okay. “Let her show me.”
Security patted her down first before allowing Abby to show Colby her phone. “See. This message wasn’t meant for me.”