Page 35 of Full Throttle 2
“No, I’m Abby Reiser, and I’mnottrippin’. I’m one hundred percent serious.”
Colby had never been able to resist a challenge. She held Abby’s gaze for all of two seconds before making her decision. “The women’s locker room is that way. Suit up, and let’s meet on the track in fifteen minutes. We’ll see if you can back up all your bullshit with actual skill.”
Chapter Sixteen
The adrenaline was pumping through Colby’s veins. It had been a while since she’d been excited about a race. It was unofficial, but she knew Abby had some skills on the truck circuit because she’d seen a few of her races. Colby wasn’t sure how good she was driving a stock car.
As much as she could, Colby kept her eyes on all the women, especially the Black women in NASCAR. She always rooted for them to win. It would be so much easier to bust the doors down of the good old boys’ club if she had some help. However, Colby had been so bogged down with her own circus that she hadn’t thought about what more she could do to truly bring diversity and equity to the sport. No way did she even think she had arrived enough to make a difference. Hell, Colby was still fighting for sponsors. Every race could potentially be her last, and that would bankrupt her family. They’d invested all their money in Lockwood. Knowing so many people depended on her was a heavy burden to bear. The financial strain was always on her mind.
Abby did have a point; the workshops weren’t enough.
Silently, Colby and Abby walked out onto the track. Each lost in their own thoughts.
By the time they arrived, Cyrus and Ben were already there. Cyrus looked disapproving, but Ben had that gleam in his eyes.
“What the hell, Colby?” Cyrus asked.
“Daddy, this is Abby Reiser. Abby, this is our Senior Crew Chief, Cyrus James, and his partner, Ben Johnston.”
Cyrus didn’t spare Abby a glance as he reached out to shake her hand. “I know who she is, but we ain’t got time for this. Y’all can have a bra-burning contest another time. You’ve got a race to prepare for.”
“Don’t worry. It won’t take me longer than a few minutes to smoke her.”
Abby may not have been a world-renowned driver, but she did have some pride. “You talk so muchshh...” She caught herself and remembered Mr. James and Mr. Johnston were there. “Those folks got you thinking you are all that. You’re about to get a dose of reality.”
Gleefully, Ben rubbed his hands together. “Well, alright, alright, alright. We might have something here.” He tapped Cyrus on the chest. “Let’s get in the booth to call it.”
Colby silently pleaded with her father to allow this race. She waited for his approval.
After what felt like an eternity, Cyrus turned to Abby. “You think you can handle it?”
“Yes, sir. I was born for this.”
He ran a hand down the back of his head before reluctantly agreeing. “That’s what they all say. Okay, these are the rules. Abby, you get two laps to get the feel of the car. Then, you both get two laps to warm up the cars and the tires. After your final lap, line up. The race starts when that light turns green.” Cyrus pointed at the stoplight. “It’s three laps around, and fastest time wins.”
Gonzo rolled a car out onto the track just as Cyrus finished explaining the rules, and another mechanic rolled out a car for Abby.
“That’s not my car,” Colby said to Gonzo.
He shrugged. “That would be an unfair advantage.”
“Like that would matter.” Colby rolled her eyes before turning to Abby. “I’m not going to take it easy on you.” She extended her arm, balling up her fist.
“I expect nothing less.” Confidence radiated off Abby as she extended her arm, their fists touching.
The sun glinted off their cars as the sound of engines filled the air. Abby was focused on the task ahead. Today was her chance to prove herself and that she had what it takes for the premier league.
They slid into their cars. Abby took her two laps, and then they warmed up the tires just as Cyrus instructed. Finally, they lined up. The energy was electric as they waited. Finally, it flashed green, and they sped off, tires screaming against the pavement.
Abby pushed her car to the limit, feeling the rush of adrenaline as she hugged the track's curves. She was close to Colby, just a few car lengths behind, but Colby was a master of the speedway and knew it wouldn’t be easy for Abby to catch her.
As they approached the back straight, Abby gained speed with each passing moment, her car inching closer.
Colby could see Abby in her rearview mirror. “Huh. Good job,” she whispered to herself while ramping up her own pace.
With the final lap approaching, Abby maneuvered her car skillfully, taking risks to pass Colby on the inside. Abby made her move, drawing alongside her.
But like the pro she was, Colby had other plans. With a swift, calculated maneuver, she surged ahead in a burst of speed that came from years of experience.