Page 76 of Full Throttle 2
Brian held out his hand, and reluctantly, Lila placed hers in his.
Liam and Colby followed Brian and Lila over toward Carrington, Kelly, and Mac Glenmore.
“Mac! It’s good to see you.” Brian made a big show of welcoming him.
Mac looked nervous as he glanced at Carrington and Kelly. “You too.”
“I’m happy you were able to make it. But before we join in the festivities, I have some great news to share. Can we discuss it privately?”
“Um...” Mac’s eyes flittered to Carrington. “Sure. Can I bring my guests?”
“Absolutely.” Brian ushered them into a private room off from the main one.
As soon as they entered, Brian closed and locked the door.
Mac attempted introductions. “Let me introduce?—”
“Some of us are already well acquainted.” Kelly narrowed her eyes as she looked Lila up and down with contempt.
Something in Lila snapped. “Why are you here?”
Carrington looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. “Why wouldn’t we be? As Lockwood’s investors, and I would say savior, I thought we should have been given an invitation.”
Brian had been quietly watching but made his presence known. “You weren’t invited because this event is only for Lockwood guests and sponsors.” He glanced at his watch. “And as of one o’clock this afternoon, you are neither.”
Carrington laughed. “What? You removed Glenmore?”
“No. Glenmore is still a sponsor.”
Carrington gave an evil chuckle. “Sorry to inform you that Mac here doesn’t really own Glenmore. Hughes Industries is the real money behind the name.”
“You sure about that?” Brian asked as he casually walked over to Carrington. “Did you honestly think I was going to let you threaten and blackmail the woman I love without any repercussions?”
Carrington straightened his spine. “Careful, young man, I hold the future of Lockwood Racing in my hands, so I’d tread lightly if I were you.”
Brian stood a few inches taller than Carrington as he looked down at him with disgust. “I really don’t like you. But let me break it to ya, you don’t even hold your own future in your hands.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“With the help of Senator Wright, Mac is now the rightful owner of Glenmore. Mac exercised a hidden clause in his contract to buy you out. And, after your board of directors was given an anonymous packet of your shady dealings, they calledan emergency meeting this afternoon and voted you out as CEO.Thatis what happened at one o’clock this afternoon. You should be notified shortly.”
Carrington blanched. “Bullshit!”
“Mac, can you confirm it, or shall I?”
Mac reached into his jacket and handed Carrington copies of his official paperwork. “The board will notify you tomorrow.”
Kelly turned to Carrington. “What does this mean?”
“It means,” Brian said, “you can walk away quietly, or”—his eyes hardened—“I can really fuck up your life.”
It was Brian’s turn to reach inside his jacket and pull out a document. “This is an NDA about this entire sordid affair. You might not give a shit about your wife, but if you care anything about your sons, you will sign it.”
Carrington was still processing what was happening. Mac had double-crossed him? He’d been pushed out of the company his father started, and based on what he’d just scanned in Mac’s paperwork, he might not even have any negotiating power for a buyout.
Carrington was still grasping at straws and grappling with what was happening. “In trying to fuck me, you fucked yourself. Mac doesn’t have the kind of money to buy back his companyandsponsor Lockwood.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. We negotiated that money,yourmoney, in the buyback.”