Page 2 of Forbidden Deception
“Venezia, if you’re saying what I think you are saying, you are out of your mind,” He waves a hand at me, eyes still focused on the computer screen.
“It’s exactly what you think. I volunteer.” I raise a hand, a grin still plastered across my face.
“It’s in Edinburgh. I would love to explore the city that trapped me, and while I am there, I can finally get some experience working under someone who isn’t you.” I sigh, looking behind him where the sky-high buildings paint a breathtaking vista.
“Why would you willingly go back there?” Remo sighs, then finally puts aside his work and gives me his full attention.
The minute his eyes fall on me, my heart quivers.
I’m still not used to having him look at me like this. Power oozes from his eyes. If he weren’t my brother, I would bolt right out the door.
“I just want to. Place me in the position, please. I will get personal intel from inside the company. I will work there. Spy for you. Please, let me do this. I promise I will stay safe. In fact, assign me a guard.”
Remo doesn’t move. He doesn’t look away from me.
“Come on. Please? I will take whatever security measurements you want to give me. You can keep a tracker in my phone. In fact, I would feel safer that way.”
Still nothing.
“Remo. You know I’ve wanted to do something for myself for a long time. Let me have this. Please. Tell me whatever I needto do. I’ll stalk him, track him, be beside him, or even just work under him and listen to the gossip. You know everyone always loves me. I’ll be the perfect candidate. You’ve kept me away from the media; no one there will know who I am.”
His jaw tics.
He taps a finger on his desk.
It’s working. Yes. Yes.
“Remo. You told me if I wanted to venture out on my own, you would let me. I’m asking to do this small project for you. It will help me heal. It will help me connect with or destroy the city that kept me in the dark. Mum and Dad aren’t even a problem anymore.”
Another tap of his finger on the desk.
One more. Just tap once more, and it will be a done deal. What even is he waiting for? I’m the best of the best. I will give him every detail he needs, and he knows it. I need this, and he knows that, too.
“You shouldn’t cage a bird you rescued yourself, Remo,” I whisper, my eyes fixed on his hand on the table. The finger is about to hit the table a third time.
It stops, and my eyes narrow
“What would happen if you got caught, Venezia? You don’t have experience. You don’t know much about what this mission even is.” Remo runs a finger along his jaw, his thinking tic.
I lean forward on the table, grabbing his hand on the table. I wrap it in my own cold hands.
“Tell me. Teach me. Help me. I’m a fast learner.”
He looks away for a moment.
I hold my breath, waiting, hoping.
“Just say yes already! I’ve worked for you for four years now. I know how a business works and where the important documents are.”
Remo looks back at me, then his eyes drop to our hands.
He slowly removes his hand from mine and places it on the table. My heart about leaps out of me.
“Fine. You will get trained by Helia and get all your devices bugged with trackers. You can’t, under any—”
My happy scream makes Remo cringe, and I leap out of my chair, running around to wrap my arms around his shoulders in a tight hug.