Page 104 of Wanted
“Ah,” I gasp from the discomfort but I throw up my free hand when I see Chance move to disconnect my hand from the wall.
I squeeze his wrist as I swallow down the pain. I trace my fingers over the length of the wolf. It’s over the injury in her belly where the pain hits the most. As I move further down her body, to her hind paws and then tail, the pain doesn’t disappear completely but it eases.
I don’t see what happened to the wolf with my eyes. It’s not like a scene that plays out before more. It’s more like a knowing that downloads into my mind’s knowledge bank. As if I’m being told the story, not watching it.
“She was injured…” I say both out loud and through our mate bond. “…injured during a hunt. There were three wolves thatattacked her. Strangers. She crawled in here to hide from them. Oh god,” I say as I pull my hand away.
I turn to Chance. “They found her when she tried to leave and they killed her.”
Chance’s Adam’s apple bobs up and down as she swallows. “Are you certain?”
“Yes. She tried to get back to her daughter. To keep her safe…” I trail off and strain the recesses of my mind, seeking out the name of the girl she was trying to save.
“Sera,” Chance says at the same time as the name suddenly downloads into my mind.
“Sera,” I say. I try to recall where I remember that name from, though I know I’ve never met her in person.
Reese. She mentioned Sera was a member of the pack who went off by herself for some reason.
Serafina,Chance tells me.She abandoned our pack months ago.
Reese told me.I ask.Why did she leave?
She never shifted. She doesn’t believe she’s one of us. Months ago, I was searching for a lead to help us find out how to help Sera. That was before our pack started having troubles with what turned out to be betrayal from Rufus Dalton.
Chance tells me he hasn’t had time to look into Sera’s background given recent events.
I nod and turn to look at the injured wolf on the cave wall.How is that possible? Her mother…
That’s not her mother.He tells me.That’s her aunt. The woman who raised her after she came to live here at the main commune of our pack.
No.I shake my head. When I touched the drawing, I clearly heard that this wolf fought to get back to her daughter. Could there be something wrong with my instinct?
Did I misinterpret the story somehow?
You have no idea where she is now? Sera?
She’s running from her mates. And us.
His voice sounds heavy. As if this knowledge brings him pain.
I squeeze his hand but don’t say anything. There are so many holes in this story. Something isn’t right but I can’t figure it out. The story I felt as I touched the drawing is incongruent to what Chance says happened.
We need to get back. You’re hungry and your wolf needs to rest.
His comment causes me to focus on the present and the fact that my stomach is growling. I’m hungry and that weariness I’d started to feel not too long ago, fills my body.
Wait.I wrap a hand around Chance’s arm as he brings us to stand.
Just one more.
I point at the image of a man and woman. The man has long black hair that touches his waist. He’s an even deeper bronze shade than Chance. He’s holding onto a brunette woman as he looks down into her eyes. She stares up at him with a glint in her eyes.
A full moon hangs directly over their heads. From the moon reflects a bright light that radiates around the both of them. It encircles them in the same way the light I felt during my mating with Chance, encompassed us.
Who is this?I ask the question, but I already know.
My mother and father.There’s a grimness in his voice as he answers.The Alpha and Alpha Queen of our pack before Chael.