Page 61 of Wanted
Wanting was something others did. Not me.
Yet, as I sit on the boulder, Emery running the towel down the length of my hair, I know what it is to want something so much it feels like I can’t fucking breath without it.
One moment, I have this thought and the next Emery’s in my lap, my arms locked tightly around her.
Her bulging eyes and stunned expression let me know I’ve taken her by surprise. She searches my gaze, obviously wanting to know what’s gotten into me.
I don’t have the range of vocabulary to answer the question in her eyes.
“I want you,” is what I tell her, as I run a hand down the side of her face.
I pull her into my chest, bury my face into the crook of her neck and inhale. This is the moment I realize I’m in trouble.
My want for Emery is greater than anything I’ve ever experienced.
And how does a man who has never wanted anything, want the one thing he can never have?
“That is strange,” I read from Dr. Drake’s lips as we sit across from him in his office.
Emery turns to me, a wrinkle between her eyes before she looks back at our pack’s doctor.
From the corner of my eye, I see Emery say something. I assume she’s asking Dr. Drake to elaborate on his findings because he soon starts talking.
“Your blood work…” He trails off shaking his head. “I haven’t seen anything like it. I mean, your markers are high.”
“What kind of markers?”
“Heartbeat, blood pressure, body temperature… Well, that’s a bit low. But they’re not at a normal human level, either. Take a look.”
He extends the papers he’s looking at in our direction. “I have a copy.” He holds up a paper, signaling the aforementioned copy.
“The first line shows your blood pressure, Emery.” He continues to go into detail, pointing out that the tests show Emery’s blood pressure, heart beat and other physiologicalstatuses are more elevated than a typical wolf’s but lower than that of a human being.
“But your temperature is higher than a human being’s, but lower than a wolf’s,” he adds.
“As wolves we have higher temperatures than humans.”
Emery turns to look at me. “Yes, I’ve noticed. Every night when you—” she breaks off and looks uncomfortably at Dr. Drake.
My wolf growls.
I only realize that the sound actually came out of my mouth as well when both Dr. Drake and Emery look at me with wild eyes.
My wolf doesn’t like the idea of anyone knowing or thinking about Emery in bed. Even if it is the pack doctor who saw over my very birth.
“I’ve noticed the temperature thing,” Emery finally says before turning back to Dr. Drake.
Dr. Drake clears his throat as Emery faces him and asks another question.
“Yes, the rest,” he says, seemingly repeating the tail-end of Emery’s question. I know he does it for my benefit since I can’t read her lips when she’s facing his direction.
Hating that there has to be an intermediary between us, I sit further up in my chair, positioning myself so that I can read her lips even as she speaks directly to Dr. Drake.
Dr. Drake firms his lips, looking from the paper in his hand to Emery and then to me. “What’s most interesting is that these tests were taken when you first arrived here at the commune. I highly suspect that your tests would be more indicative of…” he trails off.