Page 14 of Kiss Me
I suppress the guilt that rises in my stomach. “No, no, I’m fine. Don’t apologize,” I insist.
“I was only suggesting. I wasn’t really going to call your father,” she finishes with a wrinkle in her forehead and a sheepish expression.
“I know. I know. It’s just that he’s busy with those contract negotiations going on right now. Let’s not bother him over something so small, okay?”
Liza nods in agreement. “Right. I mean, you’re only having dinner with the man,” she says. “And you said it’s not even a real date.”
I swallow the lump in my throat. At twenty-five, one would think I would have the freedom to date or not date who I choose. Which I do. But my father’s kept a tight reign over my public image ever since I went pro at seventeen. It’s an unwritten rule that he must approve of anyone I date.
Ordinarily, I don’t mind. Seeing as how I haven’t met anyone I’ve had much interest in dating lately, anyway. Not since my last relationship ended. Cody Dwight. A fellow pro-snowboarder. We dated for two years before things between us just fizzled out.
He’s now married to someone else and they’re expecting their first kid.
I shake my head, wondering why I’m even thinking about my last relationship. It’s not like this outing with Taehyun is the start of anything, anyway. The man is literally holding a lie over my head to get me to do his bidding.
“Hmhm,” I reply to Liza, although she didn’t ask. “He just happens to be a fan of the sport and asked if I would attend an event with him.”
“Did he say what kind of event it was? Do you need to dress up? You can’t wear heels with your ankle,” she advises.
“I’m not wearing heels. He said it was casual.” I stifle a snort.
That’s exactly what Taehyun told me about wherever we’re going tonight.
This is what he wanted.
When I asked, he gave me that sinister grin, stepped forward until our faces were merely inches apart, and told me, “You’re mine for the remainder of my time here.”
“I wonder if holding someone against their will is illegal in Korea?” I ask out loud as I open my suite’s door for Taehyun.
Despite the façade I put on, I have to do my level best to ignore how damn good he looks in a forest green, ribbed turtleneck, black jeans, and a pair of black ski boots. I typically find all dark off-putting.
I love color, hence how my signature, colorful braids came to be one of my trademarks.
Yet—and I hate to admit this—on him it works.
His gaze turns skyward as a look of contemplation passes over his handsome features.
“I believe it is. Why?”
I shrug with one shoulder. “I just wondered if you realized what you’re doing is illegal.” I pause for emphasis. “Because it is alsoagainst the law in this country.”
That mysterious sparkle enters his eyes. Why do I know he has a special sort of glint in his eyes whenever he’s about to sayor do something mischievous? It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since I met this man.
I should not know his facial expressions by now.
“I have the strangest feeling that you’re trying to tell me something,” he replies.
I make an annoyed sound at the back of my throat. “Smart ass,” I mumble.
“What was that?”