Page 35 of Kiss Me
“You have a condom, right?” she asks in between kisses.
Wordlessly, I lean across the bed, feeling around for the top drawer of the nightstand for the box of condoms I left there. I had no intention of bringing anyone back to my cabin during my time here, but you never know.
“Not so fast,” I tell Tania when she goes to grab one of the condoms out of my hand.
I pull away from her, sitting on my knees in between her legs.
“Are you in a rush, sweetheart?”
“Yes,” she promptly responds.
I laugh at the unexpected answer. I just knew she was going to call me an asshole again.
“I’m flattered, but I plan on taking my time with you tonight.”
She starts to ask something, at least that’s my assumption. However, whatever’s on her mind gets cut off when I join our mouths again. While I’m not opposed to kissing, I rarely crave a woman’s kiss.
Yet here I am pulling Tania in for multiple kisses like I can’t get enough.
Because I can’t. I’m man enough to admit that.
I ease my hand down the ripples of Tania’s ab muscles that denote just how much time she spends training.
She gasps, arching her back when my fingers come into contact with her clitoris.
“Con-Condom,” she urges again.
This time, I oblige, ripping the damn thing open and rolling it over my erection with one hand, while stripping myself out of the rest of my clothing with the other.
Tania goes to wrap her legs around my waist, but I stop her.
“Wait.” A chuckle spills from me when she groans in obvious frustration. “I’m a man who likes to eat his dessert first.”
“Wha— ohhh,” her question dissolves into a moan as I dip my head between her legs.
I’ll be damned if the lips between her legs don’t taste just as sweet, and dare I say, even more succulent than those of her mouth.
“Oh shit, right there,” she encourages.
Her hands move to my head as if holding me in place. The thought would have me chuckling, but my mouth, especially my tongue, are a little too preoccupied at the moment.
For the first time ever with my head between a woman’s legs, I think I could become addicted. To her taste, her smell, the way her skin feels against mine.
The moment I start to spell my own damn name with my tongue against her pussy lips is the moment I realize I’m all in.
Though right now, I’m too gone to even think about how she’s driving me crazy.
“I’m coming,” she groans out, her hands tightening in my hair.
I would tell her that’s the point, but my airway’s damn near cut off when she squeezes her thighs around my head. Yes, it’s a possibly life-threatening situation considering how damn tight she squeezes.
Yet, all I give a shit about is feeling her come against my mouth. I want to taste her orgasm.
Seconds later, I get my first present of the holiday season when her thighs start to shake uncontrollably, and her hips lift off of the bed. Her entire body tightens as the orgasm moves through her in waves.
The gush of wetness that coats my tongue provides the satisfaction I need before I pull away from her body.
As I start to move up her waist, Tania surprises me when she springs up and moves so quickly that before I know it, I’m on my back and she’s straddling me.