Page 25 of His To Claim
“Well shit, when did this happen?” Jax asks in surprise, looking over to Drake and me while he scratches his head in disbelief.
“Bitch, it’s been happening. Guess my sis is now ready to show the rest of the world,” Jade says with a smirk.
“Looks like after last night, we need to show everyone here we are a united front and can’t be pushed around the way they intend to do. They’ve got their kings, well I've got mine,” I say, pulling Drake in closer and giving him a small peck on the lips. I hear him groan as he tries to deepen the kiss but I push away laughing.
“Don’t gotta try to convince me, princess,” he says, putting his arm around my shoulder as we head out toward the auditorium.
The auditorium is about a ten-minute walk across campus and we barely make it in time. When we finally arrive, we head inside and find some empty seats near the middle of the room.
The room is vast with stadium style seating, a large stage at the front, and a podium set up with seats on one side and a large projector screen on the other. Sort of reminds me of what a college commencement ceremony would look like. At the top of the stage is a large banner that says,Welcome Stallions, Class of 2020.
Stella clarifies the Stallions are the academy’s mascot, which makes sense with the whole “horsemen” bullshit.
As we take out seats, I can’t help but look around searching for the Horsemen, but they are nowhere to be found. Theirqueens, however, are seated in the front row looking every bit the rich mean girls they are. I recognize Headmistress LeBlanc as she walks up to the podium with a group of whom I assume are teachers asthey take their seats on the stage. She taps the microphone causing it to screech, and the room grows quiet.
“Welcome, students, to Servite Academy’s 100thAnnual Welcome Day Assembly.” Cheers erupt as she takes a brief pause. “As you all know, I am Headmistress LeBlanc, and I am honored to be greeting you today. This morning is incredibly special to all of us here at Servite Academy as this next year marks the 100thanniversary of our school inauguration. This morning we will have a special speaker, as well as an important announcement. As you all know after the assembly you are to report to your homeroom class. Today’s schedule will run slightly differently as you will attend all your classes but for a shortened amount of time. Just enough time to get familiar with your schedule.”
Jade elbows me as she rolls her eyes and points a finger gun at her head before “pulling the trigger”. We all laugh but are quickly quieted by a group of students sitting behind us.
“Starting tomorrow,” Headmistress Leblanc continues. “We will resume our normal hours with your first class beginning at 8:05 a.m. and school ending at 3:15 p.m. May I remind you that for the first two weeks of school, you are prohibited from leaving campus. After the second week you may leave campus only on weekends or with special permission. I will now give the...”
She’s suddenly interrupted when a large sound echoes through the auditorium walls. All eyes turn to the back of the room where the Four Horsemen walk in, entering as if they aren't already late. The four of them, impeccably dressed in the Servite uniform, neatly tucked and tailored to perfection, walk directly to the front of the room and make their way to the four empty chairs on the left side of the stage. The room grows eerily silent as Headmistress LeBlanc makes no acknowledgement of their interruption but carries on with her speech.
“As I was saying, I will now give the mic over to Headmaster Servite.”
The crowd applauds as Headmaster Warren Servite appearsand walks over to the podium beside her. He turns and glares toward his son and the other Horsemen, but Ace’s glare meets him right back. As Headmaster Servite speaks, I notice someone I hadn’t seen hiding in the far-right corner. Agent Wesley Servite stands at the end of the stage, dressed in an all-black suit, his eyes scanning the room until they connect with mine, a spine-chilling grin instantly appearing on his face.
“Thank you, Headmistress, for the warm welcome. Students, welcome. As Headmistress LeBlanc mentioned, this year is an incredibly special year as we are nearing our 100thAnniversary. Ninety-nine years ago, my great-grandfather Walton, founded Servite Academy as a place for the most notable and influential individuals to send their children to receive the best education and opportunity. Here at Servite, we’ve prided ourselves in providing the world with successful scientists, doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, and businessmen alike among other professions. The alumni that have graduated from Servite Academy have continued on to attend the most elite universities in the world, including the country’s top three Ivy League Universities: Holland, Pembrooke, and Westminster.”
This time it’s me who wishes this sermon would end and we can all get to class. But as I turn to whisper something to Jade, I still feel Agent Servite’s glare stuck on me.
Headmaster Servite continues. “I’m honored that this year we can extend this wonderful opportunity to those who may not have received it anywhere else. This year as a celebration of our century long success, we have implemented a new philanthropic program where six teenage students from our neighboring town of Pleasant Hills, chosen to receive full-paid scholarships to attend Servite Academy.”
All eyes in the room immediately turn to the six of us.How quickly the news spread of who we are, a charity case.My gaze has been locked the entire time on Agent Servite, who now approaches the podium standing behind his brother.
“I would like to give the mic over now to my brother and our head of security and defense here at Servite Academy, Agent Wesley Servite.”
“Thank you, Headmaster,” Agent Servite says, his eyes still locked in with mine. A devious grin spreads across his lips as Jade elbows me once again. Breaking my stare, I turn to her and see she’s looking at me with the same frightened eyes she did that first day we met Agent Servite, when he came looking for our parents. I quickly turn my attention back to the stage as he speaks.
“As Headmaster Servite mentioned, this new program we have implemented allows six less fortunate students the opportunity to attend the number one academy on the West Coast for their senior year of high school. An opportunity, if it weren’t for us, they would never have had.”
I scoff at his remark. This fucker’s making it seem he’s done us a favor by dragging us here.
Suddenly, I feel a heaviness around me like someone’s watching me. Looking toward the side of the stage, I find Ace’s glare is directly on me before he flicks his gaze back and forth between his uncle and me. I guess I’m not the only one who’s noticed Agents Servite’s speech is meant for me.
“Please help me in giving a warm Servite welcome to our newest students.”No.Fucking asshole. “Malachi Saint, Jaxon Wylde, Damon and Ruby Drake, Jade Wolfe, and Scarlett Steele.” Again, all eyes are on us, but nobody makes a sound. All you can hear is Agent Servite’s loud staccato claps. “Guys, please come join me on the stage,” he adds, but not one of us moves.
Suddenly, Alek and Beckett appear on either side of our row, arms crossed, glares planted on their faces as they watch us. I hadn’t even seen them leave the center stage. Alek clears his throat causing Drake, Kai, and Jax to stand, their natural predator instincts telling them these guys won’t back down without a fight. Jade and Ruby stand as well, but Jade turns to me with a look asking if we even have a choice in the matter.
Nodding in agreement, I slowly stand to follow as Alek and Beck escort us to the center stage. Silence continues until we are at the front center of the stage beside Agent Servite. He walks over to me, reaching his hand out for me to take, that same wicked gleam in his eye as he awaits my move. My brows crease together as I glare at him but reluctantly take it knowing I don’t have any other choice but to act complacent.
Not like I’d want anyone to see my reluctance to be near him and start asking questions. At the contact of our hands a sudden clapping sound starts. We all turn to find Ace standing, his eyes darkened and staring directly at my hand in his uncle’s. Looking up at me, rage clear in his eyes as he claps louder until the entire auditorium follows his lead, all standing and clapping vigorously.
All around us, students and teachers alike clap and cheer as Agent Servite leads me over to the podium beside him. I quickly pull my hand back from his grasp just as Headmaster Servite walks up and joins his brother. Ace also steps forward and moves to stand beside his father. The three Servite men, three generations of monsters standing there like they’re fucking gods and everyone should bow down to them.
I guess the fact is these people do exactly that.
“On behalf of the Servite family and academy we’d like to welcome you to our school. We’re honored to have you here and are excited to see what this program will bring,” Headmaster Servite says arrogantly.