Page 43 of His To Claim
“Fuck do you know, Red? You don’t know shit about her, or me.”
I laugh only pissing him off further. “I may not have known Stella for as long as you have, but I’d say I have gotten to know her pretty well. I know she is the kindest, shyest, and smartest person I’ve ever met. She accepted my friends and I for who we really are, not where we came from or what you and yours think we are. She is loyal, forgiving, and hell, maybe a little naïve, but you have no right to judge her ever. Not after what you did.”
“What I did?” he asks, sounding a little bemused.
“What you did, what your little bitch did, same difference.” I motion behind him to where, sure enough, the four queens all dressed in a variation of the same basic white dress and angel wings rivaling those the Victoria Secret models wear, are making their way toward us. They look put off when their followers are paying no attention to them and the over-the-top entrance they’ve made, instead gathered around Bass and me.
“She’s not my bitch.” He turns his attention back to me, a scowl back on his face.
“She might not be anymore, but she was once. And Stella has gotten the shit end of that breakup for standing up to her, for protecting you. For some odd reason, she values family and shecouldn’t deal with Kinsley hurting you, yet you couldn't care less how she’s hurt Stella. So sorry, for being a friend to your cousin, the friend she so desperately needs to deal with your people’s bullshit.”
Bass stands at a loss for words as Ace whistles causing everyone to scatter about. Carrington walks up to Ace practically pawing at him. He ignores her but allows her to make herself comfortable under his arm. Kinsley walks toward us and runs her hands over Bass’s arm.
“Hey, handsome,” she coos. “This bitch bothering you?”
“You’re the only bitch around here, Kinsley,” I answer back.
“Ugh,” she scoffs, flipping a chunk of bleached blonde hair back. “Are you going to let this skank talk to me that way, Bass?” she asks pleadingly.
But Bass says nothing as he stares at me for a moment before turning and heading toward the entrance not looking once toward Kinsley. She stands there exasperated, and I can’t help but start laughing.
“Yeah, looks like he is,” I say before walking off.
Drake wraps his arm around my waist leading me into the house and I turn to look toward Ace to find him glaring at us with Carrington still at his side.
Inside, they split the main living space into two separate sides. The right side is all white with white drapes, ribbons and feathers decorating the walls and ceiling, and white tablecloths and covers on the various tables and couches. The left side is all black, covered in red drapes, and projections of fire on the walls while in the middle of the room is a large black marble staircase leading to the second floor that also seems to be occupied by guests.
We walk over to an empty spot toward the back of the black and red “Sinners” side, while Drake, Kai, and Jax head over to the bar to get us some drinks.
“I don’t know what comes over me when I’m with you guys. It’slike I’m not afraid to tell him how I feel,” Stella says, running a hand through her hair.
“You get ballsy,” Jade laughs.
“He needed to hear it, Stella,” I tell her, and she turns to me, a bright smile on her face.
“Thanks for that, Scarlett. I don’t think I could have ever told him exactly what you said. So, thanks.” She drops her head low and stares at the floor beneath her. I place a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at me once more.
“It’s what friends are for, Silver.”
“Okay, so change of subject, did you see how quick Kai was to stand up for Stella?” Jade asks, winking at me. I turn to Stella and see a slight blush creep along her pale cheeks. “Oh my god, you’re blushing!” Jade yells a little too loud for comfort.
“Shh!” Stella shouts back, causing us all to laugh at the sheer horror in her eyes.
I look over to where the guys stand at the makeshift bar before turning back to face Stella. “Do you like him?” I ask, immediately noticing the red tint that creeps over her skin.
“No, I don’t know. I mean yeah, he’s hot, God he’s hot, and he has been nice to me. But come on, look at him. He can have any girl in here, and he’s always talking to that redhead bitch Casey when I see him,” she says with a frown.
“Ooo our girl’s got it bad,” Ruby says. “The alcohol is making her brave.”
I place a hand on Stella’s shoulder. “Look, Stella, Kai’s a great guy. One of the best. He’s protective and loyal, but he’s… well he’s got a dark past.” I look at Jade and Ruby and they both nod in agreement. “One we can’t share, but he’s also a huge player. Just be careful, okay.”
“Don’t worry, Scarlett. I’m not into him like that. I can’t be, I’m too, well… me. He’d never be interested like that,” she adds, dropping her head low once again, and God how I hate she has such a small amount of confidence.
Stella is beautiful and kind. She has everything going for her. But those bitches have done a number on her and have made her feel unworthy of her place here. She’s meant to be at the front of the “Queens of Servite Academy,” not hiding in the shadows. She belongs at the top.
“What are you ladies talking about?” Kai asks as he and the guys come back over handing us each our drinks. Of course, Drake knows me so well, and there is whiskey soda in my cup. But I doubt it’s the cheap shit we’d score from one of the older guys in town. I take a large swig of it, and it barely burns my throat as it travels down. No, this is some good shit.
“Just how freaking hot Silver looks in that outfit,” Jade says, taking a sip of hers, which I’m assuming is straight whiskey. I love my sister but her taste and tolerance for liquor is up there with the winos. Thanks to Chaz, of course, for being a raging alcoholic and giving Jade her first beer at eleven. After that, if alcohol was in the house, we were welcome to it. And it was always in the house.