Page 45 of His To Claim
“Ugh, I hate it when you call me that, you make me sound like my brother. You always call him that.”
“Wrong. I don’t even bother addressing him.”
She rolls her eyes ignoring my response. “Anyway, are we going to or not?”
“Going to what?” I sneer at her, clearly irritated by her nagging.
“Go upstairs, to your room. Ugh, what’s with you, Ace, you’ve been so distant lately, and moody with me. Am I not enoughanymore now that the dirty charity case is in town? Didn’t think you’d stoop so low and mingle with the help, your Majesty.”
“Careful now, Carrie, your catty bitch is showing. Wouldn’t want you to break a claw, or worse lose a fang.”
“Whatever, Ace, I’m going to go dance. Find me later if you still wanna hook up.”
“I wouldn’t hold my breath,” I mutter back to her as she turns away.
“Asshole,” she murmurs barely audibly before heading off.
I get a good look at her and must admit she looks fucking hot in her white mini skirt that barely covers her ass and white lace bra. Carrington’s tanned and toned in all the right places, has hair long enough to pull on, the plumpest lips to wrap around my dick, but when she opens that fucking mouth to speak, my dick instantly relaxes.
She’s a bratty princess, a manipulative narcissist, an overall cunning little bitch. She’s mean, hateful and bossy all at once. I stay out of the girl’s affairs unless it directly affects the legitimacy of our rule, but I must admit I’d hate to be a chick at Servite Academy and deal with the wrath of Carrington Prescott.
“What was that all about?” Bass asks me as he heads in my direction.
“She’s just pissed I ain’t giving her any. I’ll find her later if I need my cock sucked.”
“Man, I’d have that mouth wrapped around my dick right now if I were you,” he says, moving over to look towards where Carrington and the girls stand.
“Then why don’t you?”
“Shit, I would, especially to fuck with Kins and give her a taste of her own medicine. Problem is as bitchy as she is, Carrie’s only got eyes for you, and she’d never do anything to risk her falling from her place at your side.” I scoff at his words. “But something tells me she’s already lost that place, say to a certain dark-haired angel, well she-devil tonight,” he says with a smirk.
“Please, I don’t need anyone by my side. Tell me of one king made better by the woman at his side? A king rules best alone, no pussy to get in the way.”
“You better be careful, man, cause your dick doesn’t seem to agree.”
We danced and drank for a few more hours and Stella surprisingly remained lucid. I blame Jade and her high tolerance rubbing off on her.
Jade, Stella, and I head upstairs to find another restroom as the one downstairs has a huge line. As we walk down the hall, we find three of the four queens sitting on a large couch in the bedroom that’s connected to the bathroom. Carrington leans over the counter fixing her lipstick in the mirror beside them, and when they see us enter Kinsley immediately stands and heads over to us.
“You little skank!” Kinsley screams as she comes toward Stella.
“Woah there! You need to back the fuck up, Kinsley!” Jade says, pushing her back slightly.
At that, they all come toward us stopping right in front of us.
“You got a problem, bitch,” Jade says, placing her hands on her hip.
“Yeah, I got a problem with you whores and this little wannabe slut,” Kinsley says, pointing to Stella.
“Who the fuck you calling a slut? Stella is six times the woman you and these bitches will ever be,” I say, and they laugh hysterically.
“I’m sorry, are you talking about the same Stella standing here?” Carrington asks.
“Let’s just go, guys,” Stella mumbles but Jade and I don’t back off. We are tired of these entitled princesses and everyone around here acting like they’re better than her.