Page 62 of His To Claim
I increase my speed, moving faster against him as he reaches up cupping my breasts in his hands, squeezing my nipples already bringing me close to my climax. He moves his hips forward meeting me with every thrust.
“Fuck, Scar,” he says as he quickly flips us around, crashing my back into the sand as he lowers his body above me.
“Keep going, Dragon. Fuck faster,” I moan, curving my back off the sand as he continues to drive into me over and over, until my core contracts around him.
“Fuck,” he groans, and he’s right there with me. He kisses me softly pulling me onto him as he lies back, and for some inexplicable reason this feels like a goodbye. Bittersweet.
My cheek is resting against him, listening to the steady rise and fall of his chest, the thumping of his heartbeat. And this feels likeall I should need. My loyal companion here for me, not judging me or turning his back on me after the things I’ve done to deserve it. He’s still here, making me feel like I’m the only thing that matters to him. And here I am saying I’ll give him the one and only thing I know I can never give.
I’m too jaded to put my trust and love into another. I gave it all to the one person who was never supposed to take it for granted. A mother’s love is supposed to be like no other. But mine, well let’s say I’m better off. How can I trust he won’t do the same? That he’ll be able to value it, safeguard it. No, it’s better off locked away deep inside of me with no key to unlock it. A seal proof safe, not even the most wicked of thieves could crack.
We lay together on the sand for what feels like hours. It isn’t till about 2am when we finally head back to the Dahlia House and say our goodbyes. Instead of slipping my jeans back on I wear Drake’s hoodie like a dress and carry my jacket and jeans in my hand. Back at the girls’ house he kisses me goodnight before heading back over to Astor House. I quietly sneak back into our quarter and into my room without being seen. Grabbing a pair of shorts and a white tee, I head over to the bathroom and shoot Jade a quick text letting her know I’m home before jumping in the shower.
About fifteen minutes later, I step back into my room and snuggle under my covers replaying the events of tonight in my mind. My confessions to Drake, how he reacted when he suspected I had slept with Ace, and when he found out I hadn’t. His words echo in my mind.
You’re mine. Always will be no matter what… And I plan to take advantage of that for as long as I can.
It’s almost as if he knows there will be an end. And that it’s soon approaching.
I shake the negative thoughts out of my head as I grab my phone off of the night table beside me. It suddenly goes off notifying me I have an unread text. I open it quickly expecting amessage from Drake since I asked him to text me, letting me know when he got back to the Astor House, but I find the same unknown number from before.
Ace. I really ought to save it.
9146662114: You didn’t show tonight. That wasn’t smart.
I shake my head and decide not to reply when another message comes in.
Horseman: Don’t ignore me again. You know how that will end, Red.
Me: Didn’t feel like going to another one of your little parties. I’ve had enough of them. Besides, I had something better to do. Well, someone better.
Let’s see if he still thinks I’m to be messed with.
Horseman: Careful Red you’re playing with fire. I’d hate to see you get burned.
Me: You see that’s the thing you don’t know about me Ace. I need the fire. I crave the burn.
Horseman: Don’t test me Red. I will bring you to your knees and make you beg for the flames of my inferno to consume you.
Me: You don’t scare me Ace. I’ve been to hell and walked out without a scratch.
Horseman: Don’t confuse the two. This is hell on earth baby, and the devils here, they’re nothing like the fallen angels under Lucifer’s command.
His warning makes a cold shiver run through me and I decide not to reply, throwing my phone on my bed and turning to facethe window of my room. A light shining bright from the outside Illuminates my room. I close my eyes, but sleep takes too long to come. I can’t help feeling that after all, Ace is right about one thing. This is my hell on earth. The only question is, will I survive it, or will the flames of my enemies consume me?
My very own personal hellfire.
Another two weeks go by, thankfully nearing the end of the month’s festivities. With a party every weekend, an infinite number of homework assignments during the week, and still finding the time to hang out with the guys, I’m honestly exhausted.
After that night at the beach, Drake and I have agreed to take a break and press pause on our relationship. We moved too fast and realized that maybe starting a relationship at the same time we entered a new school, in a new home filled with privileged assholes wasn’t the smartest idea. We’re dooming our relationship before it can even really begin.
We need some distance to figure out what we want and need from a relationship. It also helps that the Horsemen have been MIA for the last week and a half, apparently some family emergency that required all of them to miss school for an entire week. Oh, to be wealthy and powerful.