Page 10 of Shephard
Her rebound was quick, her fists flying. I met almost every hard punch with the palm of my hand, thwarting her blows. Within seconds, she was frustrated as fuck, hissing in the cutest darn way.
I grinned, but was in instant pain when she changed her method of throwing a brutal jab. She caught me in the stomach. Hard. Damn, the woman was feisty as fuck. I’d need to settle her ass down.
I backed away to catch my breath and she flung herself at me like a banshee, even issuing the sexiest little growl. She threw her legs around me, the heat of her body doing nothing more than adding gasoline to a huge fire burning deep within. I allowed her to pitch me against the wall, but quickly made certain she knew I was very much in charge.
I fisted her hair, spinning and slamming her against the wall in the same spot.
“Bastard!” She almost managed to scratch out my eyes, instead deciding on ripping my shirt right down the middle.
If she thought I wasn’t in the game, she was dead wrong. I did the exact same thing, also wrenching off her lace bra with a single snap of my hand.
Her gasp was filled with just a tinge of horror. “What do you think you’re doing, buster?”
I raked one hand through my hair before driving my palm against the wall beside her head. “Taking what I want, sweet cheeks. You play with fire, you’re gonna get burned.”
The rock-hard man had passed the Pepper test. It was rare when even those who believed themselves to be rough and tumble didn’t find an excuse to leave me the hell alone. Maybe a small part of me had wanted him to fail like the others, a self-defeatist attitude. Since he hadn’t, it was as if the sexy man had thrown open Pandora’s Box.
There was nothing I preferred more than a rough guy in the sack. Those who only wanted it missionary style bored the hell out of me. I needed it hot and wet, from sweat as much as my pussy soaking my panties.
And that was happening right now.
The handsome mystery hunk laughed as he studied my reaction. I tried to shove his arms away and he threw them back with ease, immediately cupping my breasts.
The fact he didn’t waste any time pinching and twisting my nipples until I cried out in pain meant he was up to the task. Goddamn, I wanted this man.
I shoved him with everything I had, but he wasn’t moving. He winked and dropped his head, purposely making sucking sounds as he pulled one hardened bud into his mouth.
Gasping, I was shocked how many electrified sensations were rolling through me. That never happened. I gripped his forearms, barely able to get my fingers around his huge muscles. But I wasn’t acquiescing to him. Not in the least.
I slowly crawled my fingers down his chest, marveling in his twelve-pack abs. Not six. No, he was an overachiever. And I loved it, longing to lick between every one of them. But I settled for taking the upper hand by cupping the thick bulge between his legs. All it took to break his concentration was a single rough squeeze.
His entire face appeared clenched, although it was a little tough to tell given his thick, luxurious beard. His beard and mustache were unruly like the man, his long shaggy hair adding to his dangerous appearance. That made him even sexier. I longed to run my fingers through every inch. Perhaps I would.
With a single additional hard shove with both hands against his chest, I finally made some headway. I flew toward the bed, noticing Pepper barely lifted her head. She was comfy snoozing since she had a full tummy.
I made it to the shower area, almost able to close the bathroom door when one big hand slammed it back against the door stop. His grin could be considered evil or infectious. I chose filthy and sinful.
“Think you’re going somewhere, sweetheart?” he growled.
“Anywhere I want to go, big boy.”
“Not on my watch.” With one easy yank, he pulled me from the area, tossing me over his shoulder as if I weighed less than a bag of dog food.
I kicked and pummeled my fists against him, but knew I wasn’t going anywhere just yet. As he’d done before, he tossed me in the center of the bed, the power he used slamming the headboard into the wall. If there were people next door, they would soon get an earful. What was wrong with a little evocative entertainment?
There was no chance at continuing the cat and mouse game. He had me on all fours within two seconds, unfastening my jeans and even though they were wet, he managed to maneuver the dense material down my rounded hips. I’d be damned if the brute hadn’t managed to snag my thong at the same time. Only when both were shoved to my knees did I have a chance to scramble to get out of his hold.
It didn’t work because he refused to allow me to slip from his fingers. Damn everything about the hot, sexy, rugged man.
I was panting by the time he managed to yank them away. Being naked in front of a man hadn’t bothered me since boot camp. Our unit had been assigned a particular nasty asshole who was later booted from the Marines for sexual harassment.
But he’d been damn good at ensuring if we were captured by an enemy, they couldn’t use our nakedness as a weakness.
However, being devoid of clothing around such a hot guy was entirely different. I was embarrassed, my cheeks burning. That was the most awkward feeling I’d had in a long time.