Page 73 of Shephard
And into Shephard’s arms.
She was right there in our faces, her hands planted on her hips. “Now, if you know what’s good for you, Mr. Fox, you’ll treat her right. This is a small town and people look out for one another. You’re not a local. Yet. Do the right thing or else.”
Her dramatics continued as she danced away, disappearing into the crowd.
I quickly righted myself, hating the tingling sensations rocketing through me. The awkwardness between us had returned. I had no clue what to say to him. If he’d wanted to see me again, he was a big boy and could have found a way.
We stared at each other as other dancers moved around us. Maybe it was the shave, but he appeared entirely different than before. Maybe more hardened. I wasn’t certain. What I did know was that the longing remained. And I honestly hated it.
“You shaved,” I said, feeling completely out of my element. It was as if I had two left feet and a swollen tongue.
“I did.”
“For me?”
“Baby, I do shit for myself,” he growled. “I already told you that.”
“Whatever you say. Sorry to interrupt your oh-so busy evening.”
“Do you always need to be a pain in the ass? I thought we got past that.”
He made me laugh. God, the sound was so unnatural. “Me? You’re grumpier every time I see you. Plus, four days have passed.” Why did I spout that off? Ugh.
“I have my reasons. You missed me.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
We were almost standing still while everyone else around us was dancing, some people even bumping into us. It surprised me he wasn’t punching every one of them. “Of course you do. Someonepiss in your Wheaties this morning?” I didn’t expect him to answer me and true to form, he didn’t. But his glare was heated.
And very sexual.
“Why don’t I allow you to sulk all by yourself.” I didn’t have the opportunity before he crowded my space to the point I was instantly intoxicated by his aftershave.
“Dance,” he commanded.
“What about you?”
“I don’t dance. Ever.”
“You don’t do much of anything but sulk. Do you?” Maybe the single glass of wine had gotten to me. Or maybe what Maggie had said was enough to push me out of my comfort zone. Whatever the case, I started swaying my hips to torment him.
His eyes were hooded but he did little more than take a long pull on his bottle of beer.
It only took me a few seconds to realize I was an idiot. What was I doing dancing like some jerk in front of a man who couldn’t appreciate it if his life depended on it? I spun around, furious with myself for being so stupid.
When he snagged my arm, jerking me around with enough force I crashed into his chest, I was stunned. For him to display emotion in front of other people shocked me.
“I didn’t say you could go anywhere. Did I?” His voice was deep and loud, easily overpowering the music.
“I didn’t ask.”
There were a few mesmerizing seconds as the rock beat continued. But when the system switched to a slow song just like it would in some ridiculous romantic movie, I did what I could to push myself away.
Shephard wasn’t ready to let me go, holding me as close as possible. I’ll be damned if his feet weren’t moving. Not much, but enough to consider his movements slow dancing. There really wasn’t anything to say at this point. I was forced to look up into his eyes and found myself placing one hand on his chest.
For two people who’d been lovers, our bodies were stiff. This was an entirely different kind of intimacy and one that we weren’t prepared for. I did my best, shifting my feet as he was doing. The craving was still there, but the common sense was as well. This wasn’t going anywhere and at some point, the loss would still hurt. I’d done my best to shut myself off, but with him awakening my desires, I was fearful of what would happen.