Page 97 of Shephard
I had some suspicions based on behavior I’d seen but so far, I’d kept it to myself. In the day since the recent threat, I’d done my best to keep it business as usual while beefing up security.
Denise remained at my house, although her job kept her out at all hours. She had a weapon and knew how to use it, but that didn’t make me feel any better. Still, I couldn’t force Boris out into the open.
He would attack when he was ready. I just wanted to be a step ahead of him.
“Ask him if he liked being robbed blind,” Jagger threw out from the other side of the room.
I gave him the finger. He always likes to interject with his thoughts.
“Pops. This is important. We’re not talking about a few bucks here. We’re talking close to a million dollars over a short period of time.” I was exaggerating slightly, although we’d turned all our findings over to the accountant after vetting him completely. We’d have the final number soon enough.
That seemed to catch his attention. I knew that because he didn’t say anything at first. “Look, son. Sometimes you learn late in life just how rough others have it. I know, late in coming and don’t you dare say a word. Your mother helped me realize that being a drill sergeant with my employees wasn’t going to garner me any respect or loyalty.”
“So you fucking swung the other way, allowing your employees to steal from you blindly?” Yes, my fury was getting the better of me.
I was shocked he didn’t start yelling like he used to. “You always threw in my face that one day I’d learn that people needed more than just commands. You were right. Gloat. I don’t give a shit. I did my best with you boys.”
How had the conversation become so degraded? “Let’s just stick to the topic, Pops. Your sons are just fine and don’t need to earn your respect. Do you have any idea who might be behind the theft?”
“I’m going to give you a piece of advice. Remember that some things aren’t always as they seem. If you can afford to look the other way, even once in a while because you feel lucky, then it will do your soul good. And God knows, boy. You’re the one most likely to turn out just like I am.”
A bitter old man with no one around him.
I’d had a lecture from a beautiful woman. Now this. I was doomed to eternity all alone. Hunter moved in front of me, throwing up his hands. “Fine, Dad. We’ll let you know what we find. But you need to keep in mind that we will not let this go.Once a thief knows he or she can get away with something, they will do it again. Do you understand me?”
“Do what you want, son. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Consider me warned. One more question, Dad. Who did you work for when you lived in the east? Where were you when they were killed, dying in that explosion? Were you responsible for helping some fucking politician, letting them know where the family would be?”
I truly hadn’t expected to spout off the question with such anger in my tone, but there it was. Out in the open.
He was deadly quiet, so much so I was placed into a moment of limbo. What did it really matter now, nearly thirty-five years later?
“You don’t understand, son. I did what I could to protect my family. I’m not ashamed and would do so again. No, you couldn’t understand because you simply aren’t capable of caring about anyone. I did and I still do. I’m sorry you’re so bitter.”
He ended the call and it was a gesture that pissed me off more than the conversation did.
“Fuck. Fuck the man. Jesus.” I was more exasperated than I should be. I knew how my father was.
“What the hell was that?” Jagger asked, already laughing from hearing the one-sided conversation.
“He was finally cornering Dad about his previous life. We all knew he had one. A dangerous one. Don’t deny it, Jagger,” Hunter said. “Mafia?”
“Not according to my source. But just as dangerous.” I could tell Jagger was having difficulty coming to terms with the news. “Yes, we all suspected something else was going on. Moving out of the blue? This resort.”
Jagger sighed. “Yeah, we did. What does it mean?”
“At this point? Likely nothing. Just something that fills in the gaps in our lives.” What my father had said bothered me. But as usual, he was right. I’d allowed all these years to go by without feeling much of anything until now.
We all stood in silence, each one looking at the other. For what reason, I wasn’t certain, but it was odd that at this moment, we were closer than we’d been in our lives. Maybe some good would come out of learning to work together.
Hunter cleared his throat. “So, this person who’s embezzling. Someone who needs money?”
“Pops was cryptic, tossing out clues like we’re supposed to solve the puzzle. When we do, our souls will be saved. But yes, that’s what I think.” I rubbed my jaw as I shoved my phone into my jacket. What the hell was he trying to get at? That he knew all along someone was stealing from him, but the person needed the money? Why not ask for a loan? A bonus?
Hunter snorted and threw on his jacket. “We need to continue being seen inside this resort. I hope you did a damn tour of the facilities, Shep. If we are everywhere all the time, the idiot stealing from us might think twice or become stupid in their actions. Let’s finish this discussion in one of our six bars. At least we’ll be seen.”