Page 19 of Broken Promise
I shove at his shoulder with a smile beforefocusing on Lenor. “You’re not allowed to talk about my sex life.Adam is easily scarred by talk of his brother’s magical dick.”
“Fuck me,” Shane says, dropping his head tothe tabletop. “Is this what our life is going to become now?”
“Yes!” Lenor and I say loudly at the sametime before falling into a fit of giggles.
For a moment everything is normal. No deathor sadness, just five people enjoying a night out together.
“I’m sorry,” Lenor says softly. “My factorysetting is snarky comedy. I don’t deal well with emotionalshit.”
“No shit.” Wesley chuckles. “You just pushpeople around in their own homes and shout at them.”
“Whatever,” she says with a blush. “You werein need of being shouted at.”
I watch the two of them and I know without adoubt my bestie was defending me in her own way. I loved her forthat even though it wasn’t necessary.
“Have you ever been dickmatized?” Adam asksfrom beside Lenor causing the entire table to laugh once more.“It’s a legitimate question!”
Before Lenor can reply, Charlotte walks upto the table, glaring at me.
“Wesley,” she says with a purr. “I’m sosorry to hear about your mother’s passing.”
I want to smack the taste out of her mouthas her words slip past her pouty red lips. The entire vibe changesin an instant and I know the guys are done for the night. Shereminded them of what is going on outside the bar and the darkcloak of sadness wrapped around them once more.
“Thank you, Charlotte,” he replies politely,pulling me to his side.
Her grey gaze follows the movement, and Ican see her fighting a sneer.
“Can I talk to you?” she asks. “Alone.”
“I’m busy at the moment. If you like we cantalk next week.”
“This is important,” she says, putting herhands on her hips.
“Why don’t you run along?” Lenor interrupts.“You weren’t invited.”
“And I wasn’t talking to you, TrailerTrash,” she fires back and this time she sneers.
Standing I grab her by the collar of herjacket, ready to finally kick her ass. This woman has been a thornin my side for long enough and I have reached my limit with herbullshit.
“Karmen,” Wesley cautions, pulling meagainst his chest while his other hand loosens my grip on herclothing. “Breathe, babe.”
“Babe?” Charlotte asks with a frown. Ittakes her mind a moment to catch up but when it does the anger andhurt on her features are plain for anyone to see. “I see.”
“Charlotte,” Wesley says but she cuts himoff with a wave of her hand.
She stares at him for a long moment beforespeaking. “I was sick this week. I couldn’t figure out what waswrong. I was fine one minute and throwing up the next.”
The world around me grows fuzzy and I knowwhat her next words are going to be before she even speaks.
“I thought you’d like to know that I’mpregnant.”
Wesley Blake
Her words filter into my mind, but theydon’t make a lick of sense. I’ve never slept with Charlotte so Ican’t understand why the fuck she would be telling me any of this.I do, however, feel when Karmen stiffens in my grasp.
Fuck me.