Page 22 of Broken Promise
The creek of the second step can be heardover our labored breathing. I carry Karmen’s spent body to thebedroom right before someone opens the apartment door.
“Give me a minute,” I call out, laying heron the bed.
“Who’s here?” she asks, half asleepalready.
“Probably one of my brothers or Lenor,” Isay, pushing her hair off her forehead. “Why don’t you get somerest and I’ll get rid of them?”
“M’kay,” she mumbles turning over andburying her face in the pillows.
I pull the covers over her naked form andgrab a pair of sweatpants before walking out of the bedroom. Thesight that greets me has my blood boiling.
“What is she doing in here?” I ask harshly,glaring at Adam.
“I told you he wouldn’t want to talk to me,”Charlotte says, turning to walk out but Adam stops her.
“He doesn’t have to talk to you. But he willlisten to you.”
His gaze implores me to let her talk andeven though I know this is a bad idea, I nod. “Say your peace andget out before Karmen wakes up.”
“The baby isn’t yours,” Charlotte blurtsout.
“No shit,” I reply, sarcasm dripping fromevery word.
“I’m sorry,” she adds, having the decency toblush. “I wanted to talk to you first because I don’t know what todo. But then Karmen was there, and I let it get away from me.”
“What exactly is your problem with Karmen?”Adam asks.
“I was just about to ask the same thing,”Karmen says from behind me.
Turning, I take her in. She is dressed inone of my t-shirts and a pair of my sweats, barefoot andbeautiful.
“Babe,” I start but she cuts me off.
“I already heard her admit the baby isn’tyours. Now I want to know what her problem is and why she keepstrying to fuck up my life.”
Charlotte rolls her eyes and Adam glares ather. “You wanted to fix this so get to it.”
She sighs before falling on the couch.Karmen snickers beside me and I pull her against my side trying tofight my own laugh. I wonder what Charlotte’s reaction would be ifshe knew what happened on that couch not ten minutes ago.
“I hate you,” Charlotte says lookingdirectly at Karmen.
“Well, the feeling is mutual,” Karmenhisses.
“Stop! What is it with the two of you?” Adamyells, his frustration hitting its limit.
“She always gets what she wants, and I am sotired of it!” Charlotte says. “Everyone loves her, even my damnbrother.” I bristle at her words, already imagining wringingJacob’s neck. “She’s such a great friend,” Charlotte adds in amocking tone.
“What?” I cut in, completely confused.
“And you,” she says pointing at me. “I’vebeen throwing myself at you for years but all you see is her.”
“You’re jealous?” Karmen asks, shocked.
“I was the captain of the cheer squad, butyou were always the center of attention!” She is standing oncemore, yelling at us. She’s on a roll, not stopping to breathe asshe rants. “On my sixteenth birthday I had to take a back seat toyour problems because your brother died. My brother prefers yourcompany, I can’t even get the attention of the man that knocked meup because he is too busy spending time with you!”
She launches herself at Karmen, but Adamcatches her around the waist.
“You’re fucking nuts!” Karmen cries outthrowing her hands in the air. “It’s not like Tommy planned to dieon your birthday. And it’s not my fault that people don’t likeyou.”