Page 60 of The Marine
God, please kill menow.I cover my eyes over my sunglasses to block even more of the sunlight as I walk down to my favorite café.
I need coffee. Real coffee.
But I should also watch where I am going.Damn it.I drop my hands and let out a soft moan as every step I take pounds inside my head like a sledgehammer.
I slept with Aidan again.
Fucked. We fucked. In Savannah Sinclair’s guest bathroom.
Who am I?
I’m probably going to hell for sleeping with another man while I’m married. Separated, sure. But Iammarried.
Here’s the thing, though, when I’m near Aidan I feel more likehisthan I ever have Kael’s.
Aidan has always had that effect on me. From the moment we met, there was an instant connection, and it’s like we just belonged together.
Until we no longer could.
The day he showed up at my house, after the altercation with my father, to pick up his car was one of the worst days of my life.
Dad had been quiet all morning. I thought it was because someone bigger than him had finally stood up to him. Being former army, I’m not sure anyone ever had. I’m sure, now that I’m older, none of his army pals would think what he did to us was cool.
Few of them came around in those days and I don’t know why. He had a temper and drank. Perhaps he’d showed his colors to some degree, and they no longer liked him.
I remember Mom coming into my room around ten with a little smile on her face.
“I’m not going to say what Aidan did was right, but I must admit your father does have his tail between his legs today.”
We shared a smile.
“How is your neck?” she asked, taking a few more steps into my room as I sat at my desk in front of my computer.
“Sore. But it’ll be okay.” I shrugged.
“Put that cream on it,” she told me, referring to the arnica cream. We always had a big tub of it in my bathroom.
That was my life.
Secret creams to hide the marks my father caused.
I hated him. Yet I loved him.
He was my father. Nothing can change that.
It’s this weird dichotomy loving someone who hurts you. Especially when that person is responsible for protecting you.
At the end of the day, I realized the only person who can truly do that is me.
Which is why I left Kael.
I chose to stay after every violent outburst. I was hurting myself. Regardless of who threw the punch.
My memory returns to the moment Mom and I heard the sound of glass crashing.