Page 19 of Rough and Rugged
He scoffed, swaying a bit on his stool. He’d clearly had more than one beer tonight. “Who? If you’re dating someone, why aren’t they here? Huh, Lucky?”
I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
“There you are,” a deep and masculine voice purred behind me. My cousin’s eyes widened, his jaw slacked as he gawked. I didn’t know what was happening, but based on his expression and how he’d finally shut up, I decided to go with it.
I turned on my stool, praying I wouldn’t regret this. “Here I am.”
The thirst trap in flannel stood before me, his woodsy scent erasing every trace of Cliff’s awful cologne. The heat in his eyes was magnified this close, and I swallowed, drinking in his dark blue orbs, so vibrant it felt like I peered into the ocean.
I took in his impressive stature. He had to be well over six feet tall with thighs the size of tree trunks. The navy plaid on his shirt highlighted his eyes and stretched over his chest and arms in the most delicious way. He wasn’t beefy, or a gym rat like my ex with a perfectly sculpted body. No, this man was someone who earned his physique with hard labor and wasn’t afraid to eat outside his diet plan.
He stepped between my spread legs, bringing his intoxicating cedar scent and electricity closer. My breath hitched at his nearness. I tilted my head to take him in fully, my throat bobbing as I waited to see what he’d do. I focused on the lighter hairs in his dark beard, as if his face was sun-kissed and offered me a hidden secret. I had to restrain myself from running my fingers through it.
He took another step forward, completely encroaching on my space, our bodies aligned perfectly. Unlike with Cliff, I didn’t mind him being this close. He leaned forward, his chest touching mine as he trapped me against the bar, placing his hands behind me to cage me in. Something in his eyes shifted, and he briefly glanced at my lips. Out of habit, I licked them, loving how his eyes darkened.
His gaze returned to me, and I spotted a question in his eyes—like he wanted to check if I was okay with whatever he was about to do.
Fuck yes.
In fact, he could have a blanket yes.All the yeses.Whatever he wanted to do, I was down for it.
I gave a subtle nod, and he leaned in, his breath and heat seeping into me. I planted my feet so as not to roll off the stool. He gave me one last look before closing the little space and sealed our lips together.
When I’d moved to California for school, I’d quickly made up for being the only gay guy in my hometown. I’d kissed a lot of guys since then, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit that. But none of those kisses had ever felt like this.
This kiss…
I might sound like a sap, but it felt like our mouths were meant to connect.
His lips were firm and supple, and the soft hair of his beard tickled my chin. He gave the perfect amount of pressure, sending shivers through me and shocking my stalled heart into action.
A needy whimper escaped; one I would deny if anyone asked.
It spurred my handsome lumberjack on, his hands leaving the bar to cup my face. Rough calluses brushed over my cheeks, and my eyes rolled back at the contrast against my skin. He leaned further into me, his body pressed heavily into mine as our tongues sought nirvana.
I forgot who and where I was. My thoughts were consumed with this man and the way he kissed me—like I possessed the secret to happiness and it was his tongue’s mission to find it.
My cock plumped in my jeans, pressing hard against my thigh, and eager to be touched. Unintentionally, I shifted my hips and brushed against him, my cock grazing a hardness that I wasn’t sure belonged to his thigh or his dick.
His woodsy scent enveloped me along with the taste of beer and a hint of cinnamon. His tongue battled mine, consuming every cell in my body.
His smell, his taste, his touch.
He growled, demanding more, his tongue swirling with mine and completely ruining me for anyone else.
The thought shocked me, and I gasped, our lips breaking the seal. I whimpered at the loss despite being the one to break it. My head was fuzzy from the lack of oxygen…or the all-consuming lust.
I took in the dazed expression of the man before me and wondered if I looked the same. It was only then I realized I clutched his shirt in my fists. Slowly, I loosened my grip, smoothing out the material, and getting a glimpse of the hard body beneath.
“I think it’s good.” He chuckled, and I realized I was petting his pec. My cheeks heated, but I leaned into it.
“One more for good measure.” With an exaggerated pat and a wink, I finally withdrew my traitorous hand.
He laughed again, the sound doing nothing to quell the hard-as-marble dick in my jeans.
“Excuse me, but who the hell are you?” Cliff blurted, burping loudly at the end.
My lumbercrush lifted an eyebrow at me in question, but his kiss had scrambled my brain, so I shrugged. His lips tilted up in a smile so sexy it stole my breath. He reached between my legs, and I didn’t stop him, willing to spend the night in jail if it meant he touched my dick.