Page 32 of Rough and Rugged
The girl steps forward. “Everything should be set up. I’ll wait at the trailhead until I see you come down.” With that, she slips past us and disappears down the trail too.
“This is for us?” No one’s done anything like this for me before, and I fight the urge to cry.
“Yeah.” He lets go of my hand and rubs at his beard, tugging at the end in a nervous gesture that’s completely endearing. “I had her pick up a little bit of everything since I wasn’t sure what you’d like.”
“This is perfect.” On impulse, I lean upward, straining on my tiptoes to reach his cheek, planting a kiss on it. His hand moves to my waist, holding me close against his body and sending more frissons of awareness racing through me. Since he’s arching me forward, it forces me to rub all down the front of him when I settle back on my heels.
I duck my head so he won’t see how much a simple kiss on the cheek is affecting me.
“C’mon. Let’s eat.” He guides me toward the blanket, and before I can sit, he holds out a hand to help me down. Together, we open the basket and dig through the treasures that are hidden inside.
While we eat, the conversation flows just as naturally as it did during our phone calls. The only time we stop talking is to look up and savor the blazing colors of the sunset. From our spot halfway up the mountain, you can see the layout of the campus and the myriad of reflections in the windows of every building.
When it starts to get chilly, Noah helps me stand, and we start making our way back down the trail. At our cars, I stop. I don’t know if I want to say goodbye or ask him if he has anything else planned for tonight. One thing I do know is this has been magical.
Chapter Four
Idon’twanttosay good night, but I also don’t want to press for more than Alex is willing to give. “I had a really good time tonight.” My hands stay planted in my pockets because all I want to do right now is reach for her and pull her back against me. When she’d leaned in to kiss my cheek earlier, I’d been filled with a persistent need that’s dominated my thoughts.
“Me too.” Her sweet smile makes my heart thump, and my attention traces over her cheekbones. The elegant line of her throat. The way her hair is curling against her shoulders in the heat. So many small details that I could spend hours absorbing.
“Can I call you tomorrow? Maybe a video chat?” My connection at home is pretty good since I pay for high-speed internet. With the amount of video calls I do with clients to prep for trips, I can’t risk calls dropping or videos freezing.
“I’d really like that.” She reaches out, settling her hand on my forearm. The pads of her fingers are smooth where they trace over my skin.
“Alex.” My voice is husky, even to my ears. “Can I kiss you goodbye?” I need to ask her, just to make sure we’re feeling the same things. Her nod is shaky but enthusiastic, and I lean down, giving her time to change her mind.
When our lips meet, I force myself to take it easy, light pressure, my hand slipping along her arm. Her fingers tense against me, and I pull back, thinking it’s too much too soon.
“No.” She says the single word so softly I almost don’t hear her. Then she leans back up to me, deepening the kiss. The way our weight shifts, she leans back, supporting herself against the back of her SUV. My hand flattens next to her so I can lean down, maintaining the connection without making her feel too trapped.
I have no idea how long we make out like teenagers, but when we break apart, I’m panting for air. She’s not in much better shape, fully leaning on her car like her legs can’t hold her up. We stay there, me with my hand on her car, her still gripping my forearm for a few more moments before I straighten up and help her stand.
“I’ll call you tomorrow.” It’s all I can think of to say in reassurance. She nods, and I watch as she gets into her car, stepping aside so she can back out and pull away. My heart thumps, and I already miss her.
After how well yesterday’s date went, I’m much less nervous talking to Alex tonight. All I can think about today is getting to see her face again and trying to figure out a time when we could meet again.
I’d be willing to keep making the drive down to Missoula if it meant I got to spend a few hours with her. But tonight we’re planning on watching a movie together while video chatting. Alex messaged this morning asking what I thought of the idea and I’d immediately replied yes, telling her she should pick the movie.
As the clock turns over to six o’clock, I start pacing around the room, waiting for her call. She warned me she had a staff meeting tonight, so she might be a little late if it ran over, but she’d call as soon as she could.
I don’t have to wait long, my phone vibrates with the notification at a quarter past six, and I answer before it rings a second time.
“Hi.” She sounds breathless.
“Hey.” I toggle on the video and wait for hers to load. When it does, I see she’s outside, walking quickly. She must have just left the meeting. “Not home yet?”
“No. I hate these meetings. They’re so vague and overgeneralized that nothing applies to anyone so they’re a giant waste of time.” I hear the double beep of her car unlocking, and then the video gets shaky while she climbs in and puts the phone in the cradle. There’s a fantastic shot of her boobs for a moment before she readjusts it to face further upward and at her face.
“Did you get anything to eat yet?” I have a hunch that she hasn’t. While I wait for her answer, I pull up a food delivery app and start scrolling through the options in Missoula.
She sighs. “No. I hoped I’d have time after the meeting.”
“I’ll order you something and have it delivered.” I narrow down the options by delivery time and pick a Mexican place that can have it ready and on her porch within a half hour. “What’s your address?”
She rattles it off without hesitating. “I’ll pay you back.”