Page 7 of Lollipop
The more I learn about the Perkins, the more I don’t like them. It seems to me the only good thing they ever did was have Lilly. The farm hand that Lilly had mistaken me for finally shows up midday and I do not like the look of him. He has beady eyes that remind me of an old bull I once had that couldn’t be trusted. Every time you turned around he was in with the heifers trying to mount them.
He started to put up a small fight, but I waved a wad of cash in front of his face, and he hit the road fast. There’s no way I was going to let him anywhere close to my Lilly. Unlike her parents, I know exactly how special she is and I’m not about to let her go!
By the time I hear her car pulling down the gravel driveway, I’m finishing setting the table. When she comes through the back door, I’m ready. Almost. I’m unprepared for the sight ofLilly with flushed cheeks and her sun-beam blonde hair piled high on the top of her head, a smudge of flour still on her chin.
“Oh wow! This is…wow!”
I come over to her, drawn like a magnet to its opposite. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself if I tried. She’s just too…bewitching. My arms encircle her to pull her closer to me. If she’s a witch trying to steal my soul then all she has to do is ask for it. I would gladly hand it over as long as she let my husk of a body stay with her. I brush my hand over her chin where the flour is before I swoop down for a kiss.
I didn’t really know how to tell her this morning that I was dreaming of her so it made perfect sense to me when she magically appeared at the side of my bed, hers being the only mouth I wanted to kiss. The last thing I want is for her to be afraid of me. It would go against everything I'm working for. I want her to trust me implicitly, to tell me all her secrets and fears, to come to me with all her problems, and to know who she can run to if she ever needs…anything!
But I can’t stop myself from taking this one soft kiss for my own, my lips brushing against the softest lips I’ve ever felt. I end the kiss way too soon. Sooner than I want to, but the right thing to do if I ever want another one. Her eyes remain closed for a couple of seconds after giving me the perfect opportunity to look at her sweet face without her realizing I'm watching her.
When her eyes do pop back open, a hint of worry is there.
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
I fight the overwhelming urge to tell her she’s wrong. Instead, I try to figure out why she thinks I might be pressuring her to do it before she's ready.
“Because you made dinner. And, um, made things pretty.” She pulls away from me and goes to the flowers I put on the table. Roses, because I wasn't certain what kind she might like.
“I don’t think just because I made you dinner and bought flowers that you’re going to sleep with me. What kind of man even does that?” Her eyes come to mine like she might be searching for the truth. “If anything, it’s a thank you for not making me sleep in the dong room.”
She starts laughing and relaxes noticeably.
“I’m also doing it because I know you have to be tired and you cooked for me yesterday. It seems only fair.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry if I seemed ungrateful.”
“No, you’re cautious and I’d rather you be that way than trust everything and anything you run across.”
Her smile looks tired as she sits at the table. “You’d make a good daddy.” Horror rushes across her face. “Oh my God! That did not come out right. I just meant you sound like you’d be a good dad since…shit, it isn’t getting any better.”
Now I’m the one smiling. “You don’t have to be a father to want the best for the women around you. You just have to be a decent human being.”
“Yeah, well according to my dad, I’m ungrateful and need to smile more because then it would be easier to marry me off. I don’t have a real great role model for what a good one is supposed to look like. I just…I’ve been around my friends and Bonny is planning her wedding and the guys they are with love them obsessively. I’ve never seen my mom and dad even hug, and kissing is just not on the To-Do list. I just wonder which oneof them checked out first and is that why they can’t stand me. Was I an oopsie baby and they both felt forced to stay married? I can’t believe I am telling you this. I am so sorry I’m unloading on you.”
I take her chin in between my thumb and forefinger so she can’t look away, “I don’t mind you unloading on me at all, sweetheart. You can tell me all your thoughts and feelings and I would be just fine with that.”
I meet her gaze for a long time. She finally gives me a little nod and her lips tilt up at the sides.
“Can we do the chores before we eat? I don’t like waiting for it to be very dark when I go into the barn. I guess now that you are here with me it’s alright but…there’s not a lot of great light out there.”
“You stay put. I’ll go do it and we’ll eat when I come back.”
“Wait, that isn’t fair! You cooked!”
I go in for another quick kiss before giving her a wink, “Rest, relax, I’ll be done before you know it.”
I make sure not to drag my feet as I feed, water, and bed the animals down for the night. The Perkins don’t have a lot of livestock but too much for someone like Lilly to do it after working a full day, damn it. When I come back in, my dick hardens, and I lose the ability to speak. Lilly is in front of the stove in a loose shirt that falls off one of her shoulders and a pair of tight shorts that hug her butt like they’ve been painted on. And she’s wearing a fucking apron around her waist. Who knew I had a fucking Betty Crocker fetish? I am learning all sorts of new things about myself during this trip!
Chapter Seven
I straighten up when I hear Ander come through the door and I’m really glad I caught the look on his face. I might be a good girl but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to flirt. And I actually feel safe with him. I don’t think he’ll try to sneak into my bed to take what I’m not willing to give. I don’t think he’ll push me to do anything I don’t want to, which makes me want to flirt with him even more…and makes him even more attractive.
“That smells like heaven!”